Ken-ichiro Ishida
Ken-ichiro Ishida (1966–), Japanese protistologist.
日本語: 石田健一郎
- Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572, Japan
IPNI standard form: K.Ishida
Taxon names authored
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[edit]- Ishida, K., Green, B.R. & Cavalier-Smith, T. 1999. Diversification of a chimaeric algal group, the chlorarachniophytes: phylogeny of nuclear and nucleomorph small-subunit rRNA genes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 16(3): 321. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.molbev.a026113
[edit]- Ishida, K.-I., Yabuki, A. & Ota, S. 2011. Amorphochlora amoebiformis gen. et comb. nov. (Chlorarachniophyceae). Phycological Research 59(1): 52–53. DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1835.2010.00597.x Reference page.
[edit]- Yabuki, A., Ishida, K.-I. & Cavalier-Smith, T. 2013. Rigifila ramosa n. gen., n. sp., a filose apusozoan with a distinctive pellicle, is related to Micronuclearia. Protist, 164(1): 75–88. DOI: 10.1016/j.protis.2012.04.005 Reference page.
[edit]- Shiratori, T., Nakayama, T. & Ishida, K. 2015. A new deep-branching stramenopile, Platysulcus tardus gen. nov., sp. nov. Protist 166: 337–348. DOI: 10.1016/j.protis.2015.05.001 Reference page.
[edit]- Tashyreva, D., Prokopchuk, G., Yabuki, A., Kaur, B., Faktorová, D., Votýpka, J., Kusaka, Ch., Fujikura, K., Shiratori, T., Ishida, K.-I., Horák, A. & Lukeš, J. 2018. Phylogeny and morphology of new diplonemids from Japan. Protist 169: 158–179. DOI: 10.1016/j.protis.2018.02.001 Reference page.