Jaap Jan Vermeulen
Jaap Jan Vermeulen (born 1955), Dutch botanist and malacologist. jk.artandscience, Leiden, Netherlands. Nationaal Herbarium, Leiden Branch, P.O.Box 9514, NL 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands.
IPNI standard form: J.J.Verm.
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
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[edit]- Vermeulen, J.J. 2002. A taxonomic revision of Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae) 2. Sections Altisceptrum and Hirtula. Gardens' Bulletin. Singapore 54: 1–151. BHL. Reference page.
- Vermeulen, J.J. 2002. Bulbophyllum praetervisum J.J.Verm. an overlooked species close to B. macranthum Lindl.. Gardens' Bulletin. Singapore 54: 153–154. BHL. Reference page.
- O'Byrne, P. & Vermeulen, J.J. 2004. New Species in Dendrobium and Thrixspermum from Sulawesi. Malayan Orchid Review 38: 66–70, 108–110. Reference page.
- Vermeulen, J.J., Phung, le C. & Truong, Q.T. 2007. New species of terrestrial molluscs (Caenogastropoda, Pupinidae & Pulmonata, Vertiginidae) of the Hon Chong - Ha Tien lime stone hills, Southern Vietnam. Basteria 71: 81–92. PDF. Reference page.
- Vermeulen, J.J. 2008. New species of Bulbophyllum from eastern Malesia (Orchidaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 26(3–4): 129–195. DOI: 10.1111/j.1756-1051.2008.00220.x
. Reference page.
- Vermeulen, J.J. & O'Byrne, P. 2008. Thirty two new species of Bulbophyllum from Sulawesi. Gardens' Bulletin. Singapore 60(1): 73–153. BHL. Reference page.
- O'Byrne, P. & Vermeulen, J.J. 2008. Six New Species of Thrixspermum (Vandeae: Aeridinae). Malesian Orchid Journal 2: 55–72. Reference page.
[edit]- Vermeulen, J.J., Phelps, J. & Thavipoke, P. 2014: Notes on Bulbophyllum (Dendrobiinae; Epidendroideae; Orchidaceae): two new species and the dilemmas of species discovery via illegal trade. Phytotaxa 184(1): 12–22. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.184.1.2
Reference page.
- Vermeulen, J.J., Schuiteman, A. & Vogel, E.F. de 2014. Nomenclatural changes in Bulbophyllum (Orchidaceae; Epidendroideae). Phytotaxa 166(2): 101–113. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.166.2.1
, ResearchGateReference page.
- Vermeulen, J.J., Liew, T-S. & Schilthiuzen, M. 2015. Additions to the knowledge of the land snails of Sabah (Malaysia, Borneo), including 48 new species. Zookeys 531: 1–139. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.531.6097 Full article Reference page.
- Vermeulen, J.J. & Kindler, M. 2015. Two new species of Bulbophyllum. Malesian Orchid Journal 15: 47–52.Reference page.
- Vermeulen, J.J., O'Byrne, P. & Lamb, A.L. 2015. Bulbophyllum of Borneo. Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu. pp. 728. ISBN 978-983-812-156-9. Reference page.
- Khalik, M.Z., Hendriks, K., Vermeulen, J.J. & Schilthuizen, M. 2018. A molecular and conchological dissection of the “scaly” Georissa of Malaysian Borneo (Gastropoda, Neritimorpha, Hydrocenidae). ZooKeys 773: 1–55. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.773.24878 Reference page.
- Khalik, M.Z. & Hendriks, K.P., Vermeulen, J.J. & Schilthuizen, M. 2019. Conchological and molecular analysis of the “non-scaly” Bornean Georissa with descriptions of three new species (Gastropoda, Neritimorpha, Hydrocenidae). Zookeys 840: 35–86. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.840.33326 Reference page.
[edit]- Vermeulen, J.J., Schuiteman, A. & Vogel, E.F. de 2020. Sixteen new species of Bulbophyllum section Polymeres (Orchidaceae) from New Guinea. Lankesteriana 20(3), 301–330. DOI: 10.15517/lank.v20i3.44438 Reference page.
[edit]- Páll-Gergely, B., Hunyadi, A., Vermeulen, J.J., Grego, J., Sutcharit, C., Reischütz, A., Dumrongrojwattana, P., Botta-Dukát, Z., Örstan, A., Fekete, J. & Jochum, A. 2023. Five times over: 42 new Angustopila species highlight Southeast Asia’s rich biodiversity (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Hypselostomatidae). Zookeys 1147ː 1–177. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1147.93824
Reference page.
[edit]- Nasir, N.S., Lee, J.Y., Marzuki, M.E., Vermeulen, J.J., Mohd-Azlan, J. & Khalik, M.Z. 2024. Checklist of land snail species of Gua Rumbang, Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo (Mollusca, Gastropoda), with a description of a new species, Diplommatina rumbangensis sp. nov. ZooKeys 1198: 295–340. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.1198.116265
Reference page.