Isao Yoshimura
Isao Yoshimura (born 1933), Japanese botanist and lichenologist. Studies chemical compounds produced by lichens.
日本語: 吉村庸
IPNI standard form: Yoshim.
Taxon names authored
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- Yoshimura, I. 1969. Taxonomy of Lobaria subdissecta and its allies. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 32: 57–66. Reference page.
- Yoshimura, I. 1971. The genus Lobaria of Eastern Asia. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 34: 231–364. Reference page.
- Yoshimura, I. 1984. Taxonomic studies on Lobaria crenulata and its allies. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 57: 97–126. RLL List # 123-122 / Rec.# 20674 – Recent Literature on Lichens Reference page.
- Yoshimura, I. & Elix, J.A. 1993. The lichen genera Anzia and Pannoparmelia in Australia. The Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 74: 287–298. DOI: 10.18968/jhbl.74.0_287
. Reference page.
- Yoshimura, I. & Arvidsson, L. 1994. Taxonomy and chemistry of the Lobaria crenulata group in Ecuador. Acta Botanica Fennica 150: 223–233. RLL List # 156 / Rec.# 20606 – Recent Literature on Lichens Reference page.
- Yoshimura, I. 1998. Vainio and Lobaria, old and modern concepts. In Marcelli, M.P. & Ahti, T.T., Recollecting Edvard August Vainio.: 85–94. Reference page.
- Yoshimura, I. 2002. Anzia. In Nash, T.H., III, Ryan, B.D., Gries, C. & Bungartz, F., Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. 1: 101–102. ISBN 0-9716759-0-2. Reference page.
- Yoshimura, I. 2002. Lobariella. In Nash, T.H., III, Ryan, B.D., Gries, C. & Bungartz, F., Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. 1: 270–272. ISBN 0-9716759-0-2. Reference page.
- Harada, H., Okamoto, T. & Yoshimura, I. 2004. A checklist of lichens and lichen-allies of Japan. Lichenology: A Journal Devoted to All Research Fields of Lichenology [Japan] 2(2): 47–165. ResearchGate
. Reference page.