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Taxonavigation: Nostocales 

Superregnum: Bacteria
Group: Terrabacteria group
Group: Cyanobacteria/Melainabacteria group
Phylum: Cyanobacteria
Classis: Cyanophyceae
Subclassis: Nostocophycideae
Ordo: Nostocales

Familia: Symphyonemataceae
Genus: Iphianassa
Species: Iphianassa zackieohae


IphianassaPanou, Gkelis, 2021


PMID: 34972635

Description: The thallus appears in tufts forming woolly mats, dark brown, epilithic growing in dark mats on rocks in terrestrial caves (Panou & Gkelis, 2021). The sheaths are firm, attached to trichomes, not lamellated (Panou & Gkelis, 2021). The filaments are truebranched, only with T-brancing (Panou & Gkelis, 2021). Trichomes uniseriate, ± isopolar, with cells shorter or longer than wide, often enlarged near heterocytes (Panou & Gkelis, 2021). Cells are with different forms across a trichome, barrel-shaped, cylindrical, slightly and/or distinctly constricted (Panou & Gkelis, 2021). The heterocytes are intercalary barrel shaped and terminal with conical form (Panou & Gkelis, 2021). Cells and heterocytes contain polar granules, up to one and three polar granules respectively (Panou & Gkelis, 2021).