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The genus name Hornemannia may refer to:

  • Plantae:
    • Hornemannia Willd. in Enum. Pl.: 653 (1809) = synonym of Mazus Lour (Mazaceae)
    • Hornemannia Vahl in Skr. Naturhist.-Selsk. 6: 120 (1810), nom. illeg. = synonym of Vaccinium L. (Ericaceae)
    • Hornemannia Link & Otto in Icon. Pl. Select.: 9 (1820), nom. illeg. = synonym of Torenia L. (Linderniaceae)
    • Hornemannia Benth. in A.P.de Candolle, Prodr. 10: 428 (1846), nom. illeg. = synonym of Ellisiophyllum Maxim. (Plantaginaceae)