George Frederik Papenfuss
George Frederik [Frederick] Papenfuss (1903–1981), South African-born American phycologist.
IPNI standard form: Papenf.
Taxon names authored
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- Papenfuss, G.F. 1940. Notes on South African marine algae. I. Botaniska Notiser 1940: 200–226, 16 figs. PDF Häfte 2 Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1940. A revision of the South African marine algae in herbarium Thunberg. Symbolae Botanicae Upsalensis 4(3): 1–17.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1942. Notes on algal nomenclature: I. Pollexfenia, Jeannerettia and Mesotrema. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 28: 446–451. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.28.10.446 Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1943. Notes on South African marine algae. II. Journal of South African Botany 9: 79–92. Archive Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1944. Notes on algal nomenclature. III. Miscellaneous species of Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae. Farlowia 1: 337–346. Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1944. Structure and taxonomy of Taenioma, including a discussion of the phylogeny of the Ceramiales. Madroño 7: 193–214, 1 fig, plates 23, 24. JSTOR . BHL. Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1945. Review of the Acrochaetium-Rhodochorton complex of the red algae. University of California Publications in Botany 18: 229–334. Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1947. Further contributions toward an understanding of the Acrochaetium-Rhodochorton complex of the red algae. University of California Publications in Botany 18: 433–447. Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1947. New marine algae from South Africa: I. University of California Publications in Botany 23: 1–15, plates 1–4. Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1950. Review of the genera of algae described by Stackhouse. Hydrobiologia 2(3): 181–208. DOI: 10.1007/BF00046555Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1950. On the identity of Spongocladia and Cladophoropsis. Pacific Science 4: 208–213, 1 fig. [1] PDF Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1952. Notes on South African marine algae. III. Journal of South African Botany 17: 167–188. Archive Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1956. Notes on South African marine algae. IV. Journal of South African Botany 22: 65–77. Archive Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1956. On the nomenclature of some Delesseriaceae. Taxon 5: 158–162. DOI: 10.2307/1216649 JSTOR Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1958. Notes on algal nomenclature. IV. Various genera and species of Chlorophyceae, Phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae. Taxon 7: 104–109. Reference page.
- Fan, K.-C. & Papenfuss, G.F. 1959. Red algal parasites occurring on members of the Gelidiales. Madroño 15: 33–38, 10 figs. Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1960. On the genera of the Ulvales and the status of the order. Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 56: 303–318, 21 figs, 6 pls. Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1964. Catalogue and bibliography of Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic benthic marine algae. In: Antarctic Research Series. Volume 1. Bibliography of the Antarctic Seas. (Lee, M.O. Eds), pp. 1–76. Washington D.C.: American Geophysical Union. Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1967. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on three species of brown algae. Botaniste 50: 319–330. Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1968. A history, catalogue, and bibliography of the Red Sea benthic algae. Israel Journal of Botany 17: 1–118, 1 table, 1 folded map. Reference page.
- Papenfuss, G.F. 1968. Notes on South African marine algae. V. Journal of South African Botany 34: 267–287. Archive Reference page.
- Mshigeni, K.E. & Papenfuss, G.F. 1981. Solieria jaasundii, a new species of red algae (Gigartinales, Solieriaceae) from Tanzania. Botanica Marina 24: 1–7, 15 figs. Reference page.