Galina Benitsianovna Zevina
Galina Benitsianovna Zevina (12 February 1926 – 24 September 2002), Russian (Soviet) zoologist, and cirripedologist.
русский: Галина Бенициановна Зевина
Taxon names authored
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[edit]- Tarasov, N.I. & Zevina, G.B. 1957: Fauna USSR. Barnacles (Cirripedia Thoracica) of seas of USSR. Zoological Institute, Akademia Nauk CCCP, (new series) 69: 1-268. Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1968. New species of Lepadomorpha (Cirripedia Thoracica) from the Bay of Tonkin. Crustaceana, 15(1): 35–40. JSTOR Reference page.
[edit]- Drushchits, V.V. (Друщиц, В.В.) & Zevina, G.B. (Зевина, Г.Б.) 1969. Новые представители усоногих раков из нижнемеловых отложений Северного Кавказа [New Lower Cretaceous cirripeds from the Northern Caucasus]. Paleontologicheskii zhurnal 1969(2): 73–85. (Russian) article pdf
Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. & Litvinova, N.M. 1970. Additions to barnacle fauna (Cirripedia Thoracica) of the Red Sea. Biologiya morja 18: 172-181. [In Russian] Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1972: Benthic Lepadomorpha (Cirripedia, Thoracica) from the Southeast Pacific. Crustaceana 22(1): 39-63. JSTOR Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1973. Scalpellidae (Cirripedia) from the Indian Ocean. 1. Species of the subgenera Scalpellum and Arcoscalpellum of the genus Scalpellum. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 52(6): 842–848. (in Russian). Reference page.
- Zevina, G.B. 1973. Scalpellidae (Cirripedia) from the Indian Ocean. 2. Species of the subgenera Annandaleum, Mesoscalpellum and Neoscalpellum of the genus Scalpellum. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 52(7): 1000–1007. (in Russian). Reference page.
- Zevina, G.B. 1973. Scalpellids (Scalpellidae, Cirripedia) of the Alaska Bay. Transactions of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, V. 91. Academy of Sciences of the USSR: 136–140. (in Russian).
Reference page.
- Zevina, G.B. & Kurshakova, T.S. 1973: Supplement to the fauna of the chthamalids (Chthamalidae), Cirripedia of the Southeastern Pacific. IN Kompleksnye Issledovaniya Prirody Okeana (Collection of articles on complex investigations of the nature of the ocean). Moscow State University Publication 4: 183-189. Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1974. The Cirripedia Thoracica of the Kerguelen Islands. Crustaceana 27(2): 209–215. JSTOR Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1975. Cirripedia Thoracica of the American Mediterranean. Transactions of the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, V. 100. Scientific Studies of Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico and adjacent waters. Academy of Sciences of the USSR: 233–258. (in Russian). Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1976. Abyssal species of barnacles (Cirripedia, Thoracica) of the North Atlantic. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 55(8): 1149-1156 (in Russian). Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1978. A new classification of the family Scalpellidae Pilsbry (Cirripedia, Thoracica) Part 1. Subfamilies Lithotryinae, Calanticinae, Pollicipinae, Scalpellinae, Brochiinae and Scalpellopsinae. Zoologichesky zhurnal 57: 998-1007. Reference page.
- Zevina, G.B. 1978: A new system of the family Scalpellidae Pilsbry (Cirripedia, Thoracica). 2. Subfamilies Arcoscalpellinae and Meroscalpellinae. Zoologichesky zhurnal 57(9): 1343-1352. [In Russian] Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1980. A new classification of the Lepadomorpha (Cirripedia). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 59(5): 689–698. [in Russian] Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1981. Barnacles of the suborder Lepadomorpha (Cirripedia, Thoracica) of the world oceans. I: Family Scalpellidae. Fauna SSSR, 127: 1-398. [In Russian] Reference page.
- Zevina, G.B. 1981. Deep-sea Cirripedia of the Australian and New Zealand waters. Trudy Instituta Okeanologii 115: 76-93. (in Russian) Reference page.
- Zevina, G.B. 1981. Barnacles (Cirripedia). In: Mironov & Kuznetsov, ‘‘Benthos of the submarine mountains Marcus-Necker and adjacent Pacific regions’’. P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology. Academy of Sciences of the USSR: 56–62. (in Russian). Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1982: Barnacles of the suborder Lepadomorpha (Cirripedia, Thoracica) of the world oceans. II: Guides to the Fauna of the USSR, Zoological Institute, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 133: 1-223. ‘‘Nauka’’, Leningrad. (in Russian). Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1983: Barnacles from the tops of the Nazca Ridge seamounts (Pacific Ocean). Zoologicheskiy zhurnal 62(11): 1635-1642. Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. 1987. Abyssal Cirripedia Verrucomorpha (Thoracica) of the Atlantic and Indian Ocean. Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, 66(9): 1304–1313. (In Russian) Reference page.
- Zevina, G.B. 1987. Deep-sea Verrucomorpha (Cirripedia, Thoracica) of the Pacific. 1. The North Pacific. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 66(12): 1812–1821. (in Russian). Reference page.
- Zevina, G.B. & Yakhontova, I.V. 1987. A new barnacle genus of the family Scalpellidae (Crustacea, Cirripedia) from the north Atlantic. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal 66(8): 1262–1264. Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. & Galkin, S.V. 1989. New species of cirripeds (Cirripedia, Thoracica) from thermal waters. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 68(3): 134–136. Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B., Zvyagintsev, A.Yu., Negashev, S.E. 1992. Barnacles of coast of Vietnam and their role in fouling. Vladivostok: DVO AN USSR. 144p. [In Russian] Reference page.
[edit]- Kolbasov, G.A. & Zevina, G.B. 1999. A new species of Paralepas (Cirripedia: Heteralepadidae) symbiotic with Xenophora (Mollusca Gastropoda); with the first complemental male known for the family. Bulletin of Marine Science 64(3): 391–398. (PDF) Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B. & Kolbasov, G.A. 2000. Barnacles of the genus Heteralepas (Thecostraca, Cirripedia, Thoracica) from the Canary Islands and the Azores. Description of mantle ultrastructure. Zoologicheskiy Zhurnal, 79(11): 1275–1283. (in Russian). Reference page.
[edit]- Zevina, G.B.(†) & Poltarukha, O.P. 2014. Deep-sea fauna of European seas: An annotated species check-list of benthic invertebrates living deeper than 2000 m in the seas bordering Europe. Cirripedia. Invertebrate Zoology, 11(1): 101-111. (PDF) Reference page.
[edit]- Kolbasov, G., Buckeridge, J.S., Høeg, J.T., & Newman, W.A. 2005: Obituary: Galina Benizianovna Zevina. Journal of Crustacean Biology 25(2): 309–314. JSTOR Full article PDF Reference page.