Günther Heubl
Günther Rudolf Heubl (born 1952), German botanist.
- Biodiversity Research – Systematic Botany, Department of Biology I, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Menzinger Str. 67, 80638 München, Germany (in 2018)
- GeoBio Center LMU, LMU (in 2018)
IPNI standard form: Heubl
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
[edit]- Bräuchler, C., Meimberg, H. & Heubl, G. 2004. Molecular phylogeny of the genera Digitalis L. and Isoplexis (Lindley) Loudon (Veronicaceae) based on ITS- and trnL-F sequences. Plant Systematics and Evolution 248(1): 111–128. DOI: 10.1007/s00606-004-0145-z ResearchGate Reference page.
- Bräuchler, C. Meimberg, H. & Heubl, G. 2006. New Names in Old World Clinopodium: The Transfer of the Species of Micromeria Sect. Pseudomelissa to Clinopodium. Taxon 55(4): 977–981. DOI: 10.2307/25065692 JSTOR ResearchGate Reference page.
- Gehrke, B., Bräuchler, C., Romoleroux, K., Lundberg, M., Heubl, G. & Eriksson, T. 2008. Molecular phylogenetics of Alchemilla, Aphanes and Lachemilla (Rosaceae) inferred from plastid and nuclear intron and spacer DNA sequences, with comments on generic classification. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47(3): 1030–1044. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2008.03.004 PDF Reference page.
- Fleischmann, A., Schäferhoff, B., Heubl, G., Rivadavia, F., Barthlott, W. & Müller, K.F. 2010. Phylogenetics and character evolution in the carnivorous plant genus Genlisea A. St.-Hil. (Lentibulariaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 56(2): 768–783. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2010.03.009
(via Wikipedia Library
). PDF. Reference page.
- Turini, F., Bräuchler, C. & Heubl, G. 2010. Phylogenetic relationships and evolution of morphological characters in Ononis L. (Fabaceae). Taxon 59(4): 1077–1090. DOI: 10.1002/tax.594008 JSTOR Reference page.
- Fleischmann, A., Rivadavia, F., Gonella, P.M. & Heubl, G. 2011. A revision of Genlisea subgenus Tayloria (Lentibulariaceae). Phytotaxa 33: 1–40. DOI: 10.11646/PHYTOTAXA.33.1.1
. PDF. Reference page.
- Scheunert, A., Fleischmann, A., Olano-Marin, C., Bräuchler, C. & Heubl, G. 2012. Phylogeny of tribe Rhinantheae (Orobanchaceae) with a focus on biogeography, cytology and re-examination of generic concepts. Taxon 61(6): 1269–1285. DOI: 10.1002/tax.616008
. ResearchGate
. Reference page.
- Salmaki, Y., Zarre, S., Ryding, P.O., Lindqvist, C., Bräuchler, C. & Heubl, G. 2012. Phylogeny of the tribe Phlomideae (Lamioideae: Lamiaceae) with special focus on Eremostachys and Phlomoides: New insights from nuclear and chloroplast sequences. Taxon 61(1): 161–179. DOI: 10.1002/tax.611012 JSTOR ResearchGate Reference page.
- Salmaki, Y., Zarre, S., Ryding, P.O., Lindqvist, C., Bräuchler, C., Heubl, G., Barber, J. & Bendiksby, M. 2013. Molecular phylogeny of tribe Stachydeae (Lamiaceae subfamily Lamioideae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69(3): 535–551. DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2013.07.024 Reference page.
- Salmaki, Y., Bendiksby, M. & Heubl, G. 2015. Molecular phylogeny confirms the placement of enigmatic Stachys persepolitana in Lamium (Lamiaceae; subfam. Lamioideae). Phytotaxa 192(4): 254–266. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.192.4.3 ResearchGate Reference page.
- Salmaki, Y., Kattari, S., Heubl, G. & Bräuchler, C. 2016. Phylogeny of non-monophyletic Teucrium (Lamiaceae: Ajugoideae): Implications for character evolution and taxonomy. Taxon 65(4): 805–822. DOI: 10.12705/654.8
ResearchGate Reference page.
- Pinto-Carrasco, D., Scheunert, A., Heubl, G., Rico, E. & Martínez Ortega, M.M. 2017. Unravelling the phylogeny of the root‐hemiparasitic genus Odontites (tribe Rhinantheae, Orobanchaceae): Evidence for five main lineages. Taxon 66(4): 886–908. DOI: 10.12705/664.6
Reference page.
- Siadati, S., Salmaki, Y., Mehrvarz, S.S., Heubl, G. & Weigend, M. 2018. Untangling the generic boundaries in tribe Marrubieae (Lamiaceae: Lamioideae) using nuclear and plastid DNA sequences. Taxon 67(4): 770–783. DOI: 10.12705/674.6 ResearchGate Reference page.
- Madhani, H., Rabeler, R.K., Pirani, A., Oxelman, B., Heubl, G. & Zarre, S. 2018. Untangling phylogenetic patterns and taxonomic confusion in tribe Caryophylleae (Caryophyllaceae) with special focus on generic boundaries. Taxon 67(1): 83–112. DOI: 10.12705/671.6 PDF Reference page.