David Matusik
David Matusik (Matusik)
Entomologist, USA
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
[edit]- Johnson, K. & Matusik, D. 1986. First reported males, species status, and affinities of Epargyreus spanna Evans (Hesperiidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 40: 59-63. Reference page.
[edit]- Johnson, K., Quinter, E.L. & Matusik, D. 1987. A new species of Calisto from Hispaniola with a review of the female genitalia of Hispaniola congeners (Satyridae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 25: 73-82. Reference page.
[edit]- Johnson, K. & Matusik, D. 1988. Five new species and one subspecies of butterflies from the Sierra de Bahoruco, Hispaniola. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 57: 221-254. Reference page.
[edit]- Johnson, K. & Matusik, D. 1989. Addendum: A new species of Tmolus (Lycaenidae) from Hispaniola, pp. 525-529, 2 figs. In: A. Schwartz, The Butterflies of Hispaniola. - University of Florida Press, Gainesville. Reference page.
[edit]- Johnson, K. & Matusik, D. 1992. Additions to the Hispaniolan fauna, pp. 4-6, In: Johnson, K. (Ed.), Taxonomic Additions to Recent Studies of Neotropical Butterflies. Reports of the Museum of Natural History of the University of Wisconsin 23: 1–20. Reference page.
[edit]- Johnson, K. & Matusik, D. 1993. Dimorphism in the female of Battus zetides (Papilionidae) on Hispaniola. Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 47: 78-79. Reference page.