Alsophila junghuhniana

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Alsophila junghuhniana


Taxonavigation: Cyatheales 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Divisio: Tracheophyta
Divisio: Pteridophyta
Classis: Polypodiopsida
Ordo: Cyatheales

Familia: Cyatheaceae
Genus: Alsophila
Species: Alsophila junghuhniana



Alsophila junghuhniana Kunze, 1848


  • Alsophila debilis de Vriese ex Jungh., Java ed. germ. 310, 476. 1852 (1852)
  • Alsophila extensa Blume, Enum. Pl. Jav. 240 (1828) (p. p., non (G. Forst.) Spreng.)
  • Alsophila lunulata Blume, Enum. Fil. 246 (1828) (non (G. Forst.) R. Br. (1810))
  • Alsophila melanopus Hassk., J. Bot. Kew Misc. 7: 325 (1855)
  • Alsophila robusta de Vriese, Jungh., Java 1: 310, 476 (1852)
  • Amphicosmia javanica (C.Presl) T.Moore, Ind. Fil. 60 (1857)
  • Cyathea alsophiliformis (Alderw.) Domin, Pterid. 263 (1929), et Acta Bot. Bohem. 9: 88-174 (1930)
  • Cyathea fallax (Alderw.) Domin, Acta Bot. Bohem. 9: 115 (1930)
  • Cyathea glaucophylla (Alderw.) Domin, Pterid. 264 (1929), et Acta Bot. Bohem. 9: 88-174 (1930)
  • Cyathea junghuhniana (Kunze) Copel., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot.4: 58 (1909)
  • Cyathea melanopus Copel., Philipp. J. Sci., Bot.4: 48 (1909)
  • Cyathea merapiensis (Alderw.) Domin, Pterid. 264 (1929), et Acta Bot. Bohem. 9: 88-174 (1930)
  • Hemitelia alsophiliformis Alderw., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. II, 16: 15 (1914)
  • Hemitelia fallax Alderw., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. III, 2: 153 (1920)
  • Hemitelia glaucophylla Alderw., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. II, 7: 16 (1912)
  • Hemitelia javanica C.Presl, Abh. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss., ser. 5, 6 (Epimel. Bot.): 34 (1851)
  • Hemitelia junghuhniana (Kunze) Mett., Fil. Lechl. 2: 31 (1859)
  • Hemitelia latebrosa (Wall.) Mett., Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1: 54 (1863) (p. p.)
  • Hemitelia merapiensis Alderw., Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz. II, 16: 16 (1914)
  • Hemitelia vrieseana Trevis., Atti Ist. Veneto II, 2: 164 (1851)


Native distribution areas:
  • Continental: Asia-Tropical
    • Regional: Malesia
      • Sumatra (S-Sumatra, C-Sumatra)

References: Brummitt, R.K. 2001. TDWG – World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions, 2nd Edition



Primary references

Wikimedia Commons For more multimedia, look at Alsophila junghuhniana on Wikimedia Commons.