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The genus name Conradia may refer to:

  • Plantae:
    • Conradia Raf. (1825), synonym of Tofieldia (Tofieldiaceae, Monocots, Angiosperms)
    • Conradia Mart. (1829), nom. illeg. (Gesneriaceae, Angiosperms) = synonym of Gesneria Plum. ex L.
    • Conradia Nutt. (1834), nom. illeg. (Scrophulariaceae, Angiosperms) = synonym of Macranthera Nutt. ex Benth.
    • Conradia Kufferath (1914), nom. illeg. (Oocystaceae, Chlorophyta) = replaced by Kufferathiella Molinari, Mayta & Guiry, 2021