The taxon authority Chapman may refer to:
- Alexander Robert Chapman (A.R.Chapm., 1959–), botanist
- Alvan Wentworth Chapman (Chapm., 1809–1899), U.S. botanist
- Anthony R. O. Chapman (A.R.O.Chapm., 1944–), phycologist
- Caitlin Chapman, U.S. entomologist
- Eric G. Chapman, U.S. entomologist
- Frank Michler Chapman (1864–1945), U.S. zoologist
- Frederick Chapman (1864–1943), Australian paleontologist
- Frederick Revans Chapman (F.R.Chapm., 1849–1936), New Zealand botanist
- James W. Chapman (1880–1964), entomologist (Formicidae)
- M. Ann Chapman (1937–2009), New Zealand limnologist and zoologist
- Marjorie Chapman Townes (1909–2006), U.S. entomologist
- Paul Jones Chapman (1900–1993), U.S. entomologist (Psocodea)
- Sandra D. Chapman, British herpetologist
- Thomas Algernon Chapman (1842–1921), Scottish entomologist (Lepidoptera)
- Valentine Jackson Chapman (V.J.Chapm., 1910–1980), New Zealand phycologist
- Wilbert M. Chapman (1910–1970), U.S. ichthyologist