Category:Louis N. Sorkin taxa
List of taxa authored by Louis N. Sorkin
Pages in category "Louis N. Sorkin taxa"
The following 23 pages are in this category, out of 23 total.
- Chileomma
- Chileomma campana
- Chileomma chilensis
- Chileomma franckeri
- Chileomma malleco
- Chileomma petorca
- Chileomma rinconada
- Chileomma ruiles
- Chileuma
- Chileuma paposo
- Chileuma renca
- Chileuma serena
- Chilongius
- Chilongius eltofo
- Chilongius frayjorge
- Chilongius huasco
- Chilongius molles
- Chilongius palmas