Brevoortia tyrannus

Класификация: Clupeoidei |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Clupeidae
Subfamilia: Alosinae
Genus: Brevoortia
Species: Brevoortia tyrannus
[редактиране]Brevoortia tyrannus (Latrobe, 1802)
- No types known.
Type locality: Chesapeake Bay, northeastern U.S.A..
Etymology: The specific name was given after the absolute rulers of ancient Rome, the Tyranni, who forced food-tasters to test their food for poison. The author picked this name because he found in the type specimen a parasitic isopod, or fish louse, that lived in its mouth (see: The ETYFish Project).
[редактиране]- Clupea tyrannus Latrobe, 1802
- Clupea menhaden Mitchill, 1814
- Clupea neglecta Rafinesque, 1818
- Clupea carolinensis Gronow in Gray, 1854
- Brevoortia tyrannus var. brevicaudata Goode, 1878
- Brevoortia tyrannus brevicaudata Goode, 1878
- Clupea laccia Larrañaga, 1923
- Clupea vigintiradiata Larrañaga, 1923
Местни имена
[редактиране]- Latrobe, B.H. 1802. A drawing and description of the Clupea Tyrannus and Oniscus Prægustator. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 5(10): 77–81, Pl. 1. BHL