Avinoam Danin
Avinoam Danin (1939–2015), Israeli botanist
IPNI standard form: Danin
Taxon names authored
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- Danin, A. 1967. A new Origanum from Israel, Origanum ramonense sp. n. Israel Journal of Botany 16(2): 101–103. Reference page.
- Danin, A. 1969. A new Origanum from the Isthmic Desert (Sinai): Origanum isthmicum sp. n. Israel Journal of Botany 18(4): 191–193. [Taylor & Frances]
Reference page.
- Danin, A., Shmida, A. & Liston, A.I. 1985. Contributions to the flora of Sinai, III. Checklist of the species collected and recorded by the Jerusalem team 1967–1982. Willdenowia 15(1): 255–322. JSTOR Reference page.
- Danin, A. 1990. Two new species of Origanum (Labiatae) from Jordan. Willdenowia 19(2): 401–404. JSTOR
PDF Reference page.
- Danin, A. & Künne, I. 1990. Origanum jordanicum (Labiatae), a new species from Jordan, and notes on the other species of O. sect. Campanulaticalyx. Willdenowia 25(2): 601–611. JSTOR Reference page.
- Danin, A. 1997. Contributions to the flora of Jordan: new and interesting plants from Dana Nature Reserve, SW Jordan. Willdenowia 27(1/2): 161–175. DOI: 10.3372/wi.27.2714
Reference page.
- Danin, A. 2000. The Nomenclature News of Flora Palaestina. Flora Mediterranea 10: 109–172. PDF Reference page.
- Danin, A. 2004. Distribution Atlas of Plants in the Flora Palaestina Area. 520 pp., Jerusalem: Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. ISBN 965-208-167-1. Reference page.
- Danin, A. & Raus, T. 2012. Noaea mucronata subsp. humilis (Boiss.) Danin & Raus, stat. nov. In: Greuter, W. & Raus, Th. (eds.), Med-Checklist Notulae, 31. Willdenowia 42: 289. DOI: 10.3372/wi.42.42215