Astrid Maria Cleve von Euler

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Astrid Maria Cleve von Euler (1875–1968) Swedish phycologist, geologist and chemist.

IPNI standard form: A.Cleve, outdated: Cleve-Euler

Taxon names authored

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(List may be incomplete)

  • Cleve, A. 1895. On recent freshwater diatoms from Lule Lappmark in Sweden.
  • Cleve, A. 1898. Studier öfver några svenska växters groningstid och förstärkningsstadium. ['Studies of the germination time and strengthening stage (?) of some Swedish plants'] Dissertation.
  • Cleve, A. 1911. Cyclotella bodanica i Ancylussjön: Skattmansöprofilen ännu en gång. ['Cyclotella bodanica in Ancylus Lake: The Skattmansö profile once again']
  • Cleve, A. 1923. Försök till analys av Nordens senkvartära nivåförändringar. ['Attempts to analyze the Late Quaternary level changes in the Nordic countries'] Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm Förhandlingar.
  • Cleve, A. 1934. The diatoms of Finnish Lapland.
  • Cleve, A. 1939. Bacillariaceen-assoziationen im nördlichsten Finnland. ['Bacillariaceae affiliations in northernmost Finland.']
  • Cleve, A. 1951–1955. Die diatomeen von Schweden und Finnland I–V. ['The diatoms of Sweden and Finland.]

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