Andréa E.A. Stephens
Andréa E.A. Stephens, entomologist.
Taxon names authored
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- Stephens, A.E.A. & Gibbs, G.W. 2003. Two new species of Pseudocoremia and reinstatement of P. pergrata as species (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Ennominae). New Zealand Entomologist 26(1): 61–64. DOI: 10.1080/00779962.2003.9722109 Reference page.
- Stephens, A.E.A., Gibbs, G.W. & Patrick, B.H. 2007. Three new species in the Pseudocoremia modica (Philpott, 1921) complex (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Ennominae) and their evolutionary relationships. New Zealand Entomologist 30(1): 71–78. DOI: 10.1080/00779962.2007.9722153 Reference page.