Alice Ellen Prout
Alice Ellen Prout
Taxon names authored
(List may be incomplete)
(List may be incomplete) (List may be incomplete)
[edit]- Prout, A.E. 1921. Report on collections made by Mr. T.A. Barns, F.Z.S., F.E.S., on an Expedition through East Central Africa (4). New forms of Noctuidae. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 1(1): 119–137. BHL Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1921. Notes on some Noctuidae in the Joicey collection with descriptions of new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9) 8(43): 1–33. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Prout, A.E. 1922. On some apparently new species and forms of Noctuidae. Collected by C., F., And J. Pratt, in the mountains of Central Ceram, October, 1919, to February, 1920. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 1(2): 193(bis)–251. BHL Reference page.
- Prout, L.B. & Prout, A.E. 1922. New South African Heterocera. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 8(3): 149–186. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Prout, A.E. 1923. A new Eligma (Lepid. Noctuidae) from Tanganyika. The Entomologist 56: 85. Reference page.
[edit]- Prout, A.E. 1924. A preliminary revision of the genus Trisuloides Btlr. (Lep. Het. Noctuidae), with descriptions of new genera and new species and notes on the genitalia by G. Talbot F.E.S. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 1(3): 400–412. BHL Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1924. Some New Forms of Indo-Australian Noctuidae. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 1(3): 413–426. BHL Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1924. Some apparently New Noctuidae from Sumatra, New Guinea, Mefor and Buru. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 1(3): 427–450. BHL Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1924. Three New Catocalinae, with a Description of the Female of Calliodes appollina, Gn. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 1(3): 452–455. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Prout, A.E. 1925. Some Malaysian Noctuidae from the Raffles Museum. Singapore Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9) 16: 395–405. Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1925. Seven apparently new S. African Noctuidae. The Entomologist 58: 213–218. Reference page.
[edit]- Prout, A.E. 1926. Noctuid moths from some of the mountains of Sarawak. Sarawak Museum Journal 3(2): 211–241. BHL Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1926. Noctuidae from central Buru. The Entomologist 59: 62–81. Reference page.
[edit]- Prout, A.E. 1927. A list of Noctuidae with descriptions of new forms collected in the Island of Sao Thomé by T.A. Barns. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1927: 201–232. Reference page.
[edit]- Prout, A.E. 1928. Noctuid moths from some of the mountains of Sarawak. Part II. Sarawak Museum Journal 3(4): 461–504. BHL Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1928. Descriptions of some Indo-Australian Noctuidae collected for Mr. J.J. Joicey, by Messrs. C., F., and J. Pratt, in the Mountains of Sumatra. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 2: 63–74. Internet Archive Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1928. Descriptions of some Indo-Australian Noctuidae. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 2: 256–270. Internet Archive Reference page.
[edit]- Prout, A.E. 1929. Three new Noctuidae from Fiji. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (10) 3: 597–599. Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1929. A catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Hainan. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 3: 1–12. Internet Archive Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1929. Some new forms of the Hypenid genus Simplicia. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 3: 13–22. Internet Archive Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1929. Some new forms of the noctuid genus Ericia, with notes on three previously described species. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 3: 111–119. Internet Archive Reference page.
[edit]- Prout, A.E. 1932. Descriptions of some Indo-Australian Noctuidae in the Joicey collection. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 4: 263–274. Internet Archive Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1932. Some new Indo-Australian Noctuidae. Bulletin of the Hill Museum 4: 275–287. Internet Archive Reference page.
- Prout, A.E. 1932. Some new Hypeninae from the Dutch Indies. Zoologische Mededelingen 14: 203–210. PDF Reference page.
[edit]- Prout, A.E. 1933. A new Simplicia (Lep. Noct.) from Fiji. Stylops 2: 85. Reference page.