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Alfred Cheatham Stokes

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Alfred Cheatham Stokes (1846?–1926), protozoologist, phycologist.

IPNI standard form: A.Stokes

Taxon names authored

(List may be incomplete)


  • Stokes, A.C. (1881). Leaves from a summer notebook. American Journal of Microscopy and Popular Science 6:189-194, [1].
  • Stokes, A.C. (1882). Sphagnum, desmids, rhizopods and eels. Am. Month. Micr. Jour. 3: 152–153, [2].
  • Stokes, A.C. (1884). Notes on some apparently undescribed forms of fresh-water Infusoria. Amer. Jour. Sci. 28: 38–49, [3].
  • Stokes, A.C. (1884). Change of the generic name Solenotus. Amer. Jour. Sci. 28: 158, [4].
  • Stokes, A.C. (1884). Notices of new fresh-water Infusoria. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Jour. 5: 121–125, [5].
  • Stokes, A.C. (1885). Notes on some apparently undescribed forms of fresh-water Infusoria. II. Amer. Jour. Sci. 29: 313–328, [6].
  • Stokes, A.C. (1885). Some new infusoria from American fresh waters. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Series 5, 15: 437–449, [7].
  • Stokes, A.C. (1886). Some new infusoria from American fresh waters. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Series 5, 17: 387–388, [8].
  • Stokes, A.C. (1886). New fresh-water Infusoria. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Jour. 7: 81–86.
  • Stokes, A.C. 1886. Notices of new fresh-water Infusoria. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 23: 562–568. BHL Reference page
  • Stokes, A.C. 1887. Notices of new fresh-water Infusoria. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 24: 244–255. BHL Reference page
  • Stokes, A.C. (1887). Notices of new fresh-water Infusoria. VI. Amer. Monthly Microsc. Jour. 8: 141–147, [9].
  • Stokes, A.C. 1887. Notices of new American fresh-water Infusoria. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society 7(1): 35–40, pl. V.DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2818.1887.tb01561.x Paywall. BHL. Reference page
  • Stokes, A.C. 1888. A preliminary contribution toward a history of the fresh-water infusoria of the United States. Journal of the Trenton Natural History Society 1(3): 71–319, Plates I–XIII. HathiTrust PDF Open access Reference page
  • Stokes, A.C. (1888). Notices of new Infusoria. Flagellata from American fresh-waters. Jour. Royal Microsc. Soc. 2: 698–704.
  • Stokes, A.C. (1889). Notices of new peritrichous infusoria from the fresh waters of the United States. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society 121: 477–482.
  • Stokes, A.C. 1890. Notices of new fresh-water Infusoria. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 28: 74–80. BHL Reference page
  • Stokes, A.C. (1891). Notes of new infusoria from the fresh waters of the United States. Jl. R. Microsc. Soc., year 1891: 697–704, [10].
  • Stokes, A.C. (1894). Notices of presumably undescribed infusoria. Proc. Am. phil. Soc. 33: 338–345, [11].

