Acer tataricum

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Acer tataricum subsp. tataricum, Saratov, Russia


Класификация: Sapindales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Rosids
Cladus: Eurosids II
Ordo: Sapindales

Familia: Sapindaceae
Subfamilia: Hippocastanoideae
Tribus: Acereae
Genus: Acer
Section: Acer sect. Ginnala
Species: Acer tataricum
Subspecies: A. t. subsp. semenovii – A. t. subsp. tataricum

Subspecies (disputed): A. t. subsp. aidzuense – A. t. subsp. ginnala – A. t. subsp. theiferum

Acer tataricum L., Sp. Pl.: 1054. 1753.
Note: Hassler (2020) treats Acer ginnala as a subspecies, while the Euro+Med Plantbase treats it as a species. Govaerts (2020) does not inform on its status (and does not include it in the A. tataricum treatment & map). Many others also treat it as a distinct species (including infrataxa aidzuense and theiferum) given the major range disjunction (c.3,000 km) and substantial differences in leaf shape.



Местни имена

беларуская: Чарнаклён
čeština: javor tatarský
Deutsch: Tatarischer Steppen-Ahorn
English: Tartar Maple
suomi: Tataarivaahtera
français: Érable de Tartarie
italiano: Acero
latviešu: Tatārijas kļava
norsk bokmål: Tatarlønn
norsk: Tatarlønn
română: Arţar tătărăsc
русский: Клён татарский
svenska: Rysk lönn
Türkçe: Tatar akçaağacı
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