Andrew Dickson Murray
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Andrew Dickson Murray (1812–1878), Scottish lawyer, botanist, zoologist and entomologist.
IPNI standard form: A.Murray bis
Taxon names authored
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- Murray, A. 1849-1859. Botanical expedition to Oregon,
- Murray, A. 1853. Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Scotland, Ed. Edinburgo, Londres, W. Blackwood & sons
- Murray, A. 1857. List of Coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the west coast of Africa. (Continued from page 326). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser. 2) 19: 443–461. BHL Reference page.
- Murray, A. 1859. List of Coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the west coast of Africa. (Continued from vol. ii, p. 349). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser. 3) 3: 26–30. BHL Reference page.
- Murray, A. 1860. Description of new Sertulariadae from the Californian Coast. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, including Zoology, Botany, and Geology. (3)5: 250-252, pls 11-12. BHL Reference page.
- Murray, A. 1862. On the geographical relations of the Coleoptera of Old Calabar. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 23: 449-455.
- Murray, A. 1863. The Pines & Firs of Japan.
- Murray, A. 1863-1884. The Pinetum britannicum, 4 – 37.
- Murray, A. 1866. The Geographical Distribution of Mammals.
- Murray, A. 1870. List of Coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the West Coast of Africa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser. 4) 6(32): 161–176. BHL Reference page.
- Murray, A. 1870. List of Coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the West Coast of Africa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser. 4) 6(35): 407–413. BHL Reference page.
- Murray, A. 1870. On the geographical relations of the chief coleopterous faunae. J. Linn. Soc. 11: 1–89.
- Murray, A. 1871. List of Coleoptera received from Old Calabar, on the West Coast of Africa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (ser. 4), 7(37): 38–53. BHL (Pls II–III in vol. 4(6)) Reference page.
- Murray, A.D. 1877. Economic Entomology. Chapman and Hall, London.: i–xxiii; 1–433. Reference page.