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Welcome to Wikispecies! A free directory of life

Wikispecies is an open, free directory of species. It covers Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Bacteria, Archaea, Protista and all other forms of life. So far we have 886,954 articles.

Wikispecies is free, because life is public domain!

If you have any questions about Wikispecies, please do not hesitate to sign up at the Wikispecies mailing list: mailinglist

Check out Wikispecies:Help for detailed information on creating pages.

  • See Wikipedia on taxonomy for information on the Linnaean classification of species.
  • See the Village pump to discuss the project.
  • See the done and to do page for references to very detailed areas and defined future targets
  • See Wikispecies FAQ for replies to common concerns.
  • See our recommended image guidelines on where to upload illustrations
  • See Wikispecies PR if you think you could help us by spreading the word of wikispecies


Superregnum Archaea
Superregnum Bacteria
Superregnum Eukarya
- Regnum Protista
- Regnum Fungi
- Regnum Plantae
- Regnum Animalia

Virus (classification still unclear)

Wikispecies in other languages