(Redirected from S.M. Lee)
The taxon authority Lee may refer to:
- Alma Theodora Lee (1912–1990; A.T.Lee), Australian botanist
- Anthony Kingston Lee, Australian zoologist
- B.J.S. Lee (fl. 1958; B.J.S.Lee), botanist
- Bee Yan Lee, Singapore carcinologist
- Benjamin P.Y.-H. Lee, Singaporean zoologist
- Byung-Hoon Lee, Korean entomologist
- Bong-Woo Lee, Korean entomologist
- Cedic Lee - myriapodologist
- Chang Eon Lee, South Korean entomologist
- Chang-Ho Lee, Korean zoologist
- Chang-Mok Lee, Korean carcinologist
- Cheol Haeng Lee, U.S. herpetologist
- Chi-Feng Lee, Taiwanese entomologist
- Chi-Tse Lee, Taiwanese malacologist
- Chi-Woo Lee, Korean carcinologist
- Chia-Lien Lee, ichthyologist
- Chuan-Long Lee, entomologist
- Chuan-Lung Lee, entomologist
- Chow-Yang Lee, Japanese entomologist
- Dae-Hyun Lee, Korean entomologist
- Damin Lee, Korean carcinologist
- Daphne E. Lee, paleontologist
- David C. Lee, acarologist
- David S. Lee (–2014), U.S. herpetologist
- Dexter Jiunn Herng Lee, cnidariologist
- Dong-Jun Lee, entomologist
- Eun-Young Lee (E.-Y.Lee), phycologist
- Gabriel Wharton Lee (1880–1928, G.W.Lee), geologist, palaeontologist
- Ga-Eun Lee, entomologist
- Geon Hyeok Lee, annelidologist
- Geraldine W.X. Lee, Singaporean ornithologist
- Gwan-Seok Lee, Korean entomologist
- Hae Bok Lee (H.B.Lee), phycologist
- Harry G. Lee - malacologist
- Heung-Sik Lee, Korean entomologist
- Hsueh Lee, Taiwan entomologist
- Hue-Ru Lee, Korean entomologist
- Hee-Soon Lee, Korean microbiologist
- Hodan Lee, Korean entomologist
- Hyung Woo Lee (Hyung W.Lee), phycologist
- I-Lung Lee, Taiwan entomologist
- Inae Lee, Korean entomologist
- In Kyu Lee (1936– ; I.K.Lee), phycologist
- Jaeha Lee, Korean entomologist
- Jaehyeon Lee, Korean entomologist
- Jae-Seok Lee, Korean entomologist
- James Lee (1715–1795; J.Lee), British botanist
- Jen Nie Lee, cnidariologist
- Jessica G.H. Lee, ornithologist
- Jie Ying Lee, Malay malacologist
- Jimin Lee, South Korean carcinologist and ostracodologist
- Ji-Young Lee, entomologist
- Jonathan Hon Chung Lee, Hong Kong entomologist
- Kanghyup Lee (fl. 2014; Kanghyup Lee), botanist
- John Joseph Lee (1933–; J.J.Lee), U.S. zoologist
- Jonathan J. Lee (19..–; J.J.Lee), U.S. entomologist
- Jong Eun Lee, South Korean entomologist
- Jong-Wook Lee, South-Korean entomologist
- Julian C. Lee, herpetologist
- Jun-Gi Lee, Korean arachnologist
- Jun-Ho Lee, Korean arachnologist
- Jun-Seok Lee, Korean entomologist
- Jung-Hsiang Lee, Taiwan carcinologist
- Jung-Joon Lee, Korean arachnologist
- Justin L. Lee, U.S. herpetologist
- Kanghyup Lee (fl. 2014; Kanghyup Lee), botanist
- Kenneth Ernest Lee (1927–2007), New Zealander worm specialist
- Kong Teh Lee (K.T.Lee), phycologist
- Kwen-Shen Lee, Taiwan carcinologist
- Kwok Wah Lee (K.W.Lee), phycologist
- Kyeong-Yeoll Lee, South Korean nematologist
- Kyung Min Lee, phycologist
- Ling-Ling Lee, Taiwanese zoologist
- M. Raymond Lee, zoologist (?)
- Mao-Ying Lee, ichthyologist
- Michael S.Y. Lee, Australian zoologist
- Minhyeuk Lee, entomologist
- Nam Sook Lee (1955– ; N.S.Lee), botanist
- Nicole S. Lee, U.S. carcinologist
- P.P. Lee (fl. 1987), entomologist (Hemiptera)
- Paolin Lee, Brunei ichthyologist
- Patricia L.M. Lee, ornithologist
- Paul Lee, British myriapodologist
- Qiao Le Lee, Singaporean ornithologist.
- Robert Kui Sung Lee (1931– ; R.K.S.Lee), phycologist
- Robert Wingate Lee, biologist
- Sang-Hui Lee, Korean spongiologist
- Sang-Hwa Lee, South Korean helminthologist
- Sang-Kyu Lee, Korean bryozoologist
- Sang-Mi Lee, Korean entomologist
- Seung-Gyu Lee, Korean entomologist
- Seunghan Lee, Korean carcinologist
- Seunghwan Lee, Korean entomologist
- Seunghyun Lee, South Korean entomologist
- Seung-Il Lee, Canadian entomologist
- Seung-Mo Lee, entomologist
- Sin-Che Lee, zoologist
- Shu Kang Lee (1915– ; S.K.Lee), Chinese botanist
- Soo Seong Lee, entomologist
- Sue Yeon Lee, arachnologist
- Sung‐Taik Lee, phycologist
- Taek Jun Lee (1928–2001), Korean entomologist
- Taekjun Lee, South Korean echinodermologist
- Tak-Gi Lee, entomologist
- Tchang Bok Lee (T.B.Lee), botanist
- Tchang Bok Lee (T.B.Lee), botanist
- Thomas F. Lee, U.S. protistologist
- Tie-sheng Lee, (Chinese ?) entomologist
- Tse-Min Lee, Taiwan carcinologist
- Vincent F. Lee (1946–), U.S. arachnologist and entomologist
- Wing-Ho Lee, Chinese herpetologist
- Wonchoel Lee, Korean ostracodologist, arachnologist and acarologist
- Won Je Lee, protistologist
- Won Koo Lee, zoologist
- Won-Kyung Lee, annelidologist
- Wook Jae Lee (W.J.Lee), Korean phycologist
- Yen-Chen Lee, Taiwan malacologist
- Yeong-Don Lee, entomologist
- Yerim Lee, South Korean entomologist
- Young June Lee, Korean American entomologist
- Yong No Lee (1920–2008; Y.N.Lee), botanist
- Yong-Pil Lee (Y.P.Lee), phycologist
- Yucheol Lee, genetecist
- Yu-Jin Lee, ichthyologist