Richard Bowdler Sharpe

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Richard Bowdler Sharpe

Richard Bowdler Sharpe (1847–1909), English Зоолог.

Автор названий таксонов

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  • Sharpe, R.B. 1876. Prof. Steere's expedition to the Philippines. Nature 14:276. BHL
  • Sharpe, R.B. 1879. Catalogue of the Passeriformes or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cichlomorphae: Part I. Containing the Families Campophagidae and Muscicapidae. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum. 4: i–xvi; 1–494; pl. 1–12. BHL DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.8233 Reference page
  • Sharpe, R.B. 1885. Catalogue of the Passeriformes or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Fringilliformes: Part I. Containing the Families Dicaeidae, Hirundinidae, Ampelidae, Mniotiltidae and Motacillidae. Catalogue of the birds in the British Museum. 10: i–xiv; 1–706. London: Taylor & Francis. BHL DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.8233Reference page
  • Sharpe, R.B. 1887. Notes on a collection of birds made by Mr. John Whitehead on the Mountain of Kina Balu, in Northern Borneo, with descriptions of new species. Ibis (5)5: 435–454.
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