Paolo Caputo
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Paolo Caputo (1950– ), Italian botanist.
IPNI standard form: P.Caputo
Taxon names authored
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- Del Guacchio, E. & Caputo, P. 2008. Crocus imperati and Crocus suaveolens (Iridaceae), two controversial endemic crocuses from Central and Southern Italy – morphometrics, lectotypification and chorology. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 158(1): 194–214. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2008.00851.x
Reference page.
- Caputo, P. & Del Guacchio, E. 2011. Transfer of Four Species of Scabiosa to Lomelosia (Dipsacaceae). Novon 21(4): 402–404. DOI: 10.3417/2009135 BHL Reference page.
- Del Guacchio, E. & Caputo, P. 2020. Splitting Asperula (Rubiaceae): a proposal for consistency purposes within sections Cynanchicae, Thliphthisa and Hexaphylla. Plant Biosystems 154(5): 766–782. DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2020.1804008
Reference page.
- Del Guacchio, E., Bureš, P., Iamonico, D., Carucci, F., De Luca, D., Zedek, F. & Caputo, P. 2022. Towards a monophyletic classification of Cardueae: restoration of the genus Lophiolepis (= Cirsium p.p.) and new circumscription of Epitrachys. Plant Biosystems 156(5): 1269–1290. DOI: 10.1080/11263504.2022.2131924
Reference page.
- Del Guacchio, E. & Caputo, P. 2022. Towards a rational nomenclature of cultivated plants: proposal of taxonomic reassessment of Cicer reticulatum (Fabaceae) and Spinacia turkestanica (Chenopodiaceae). Phytotaxa 558(3): 298–300. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.558.3.7 Reference page.