ISSN 0368-7988

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  • Title: Lotos. Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaften
  • Abbreviation: Lotos
  • Series/dates: 1851–1921. Vols. 1–25, 1851–75; vols. 29–43 [also numbered n.s. vols. 1–15], 1880–95; vols. 55–88 [vol. 55 also numbered n.s. vol. 1], 1907–43
  • History (all these publications are referred under the same ISSN):
    • Between vols. 16 and 26 was known at Sitzungsberichte des Deutschen Naturwissenschaftlich-Medicinischen (Medizinischen) Vereins für Böhmen “Lotos” in Prag (Sitzungsber. Deutsch. Naturwiss.-Med. Vereins Böhmen “Lotos” Prag.)
    • Volumes 26 to 28 were published as Jahres-Bericht des Natur-Historischen Vereines "Lotos" (Jahres-Ber. Natur-Hist. Vereines Lotos. )
    • Starting with volume 70, the name was switched around to Naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift "Lotos" (Naturwiss. Z. Lotos. )
  • City: Prague


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