John Hill
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John Hill (1716–1775), British botanist.
IPNI standard form: Hill
Taxon names authored
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- Hill, J. 1751. A history of plants. In A general natral history: or, new and accurate descriptions of the animals, vegetables, and minerals of the different parts of the world. Vol. II. 642 pp. 1 pl. London: Printed for Thomas Osborne, in Gray's-Inn, Holbourn. Google Books Reference page.
- Hill, J. 1756-1757. The British Herbal: an history of plants and trees, natives of Britain, cultivated for use, or raised for beauty. 533 pp. + 75 pl. London. BHL Reference page.
- Hill, J. 1773. A History of Plants (ed. 2). A General Natural History: Or, New and Accurate Descriptions of the Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals of the Various Parts of the World; with Their Vertues, and Uses, in Medicine and Mechanics (ed. 2). Vol. 2: [i]–xxvi, pls. 1–2, 1–644, [i]–[vii]. London. Google Books Reference page.