László Anthony Gozmány
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László Anthony Gozmány (1921–2006), Hungarian entomologist.
Author abbreviation: Gozmany
Taxon names authored
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[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 1954. Studies on Microlepidoptera. Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici 5: 273–285. Full article (PDF). Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 1958. Notes on the Generic Group Stomopteryx Hein., and the descriptions of some new Microlepidoptera. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 3: 107–136. Issue PDF Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 1959. A new moth from Hungary. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 4: 317–318. Issue PDF Reference page.
- Gozmány, L.A. 1959. Tineid moths from Afghanistan (Lepidoptera, Tineidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 5: 341–352. Issue PDF Reference page.
- Gozmány, L.A. 1959. The results of the zoological collecting trip to Egypt in 1957, of the Natural History Museum, Budapest. 6. Egyptian Microlepidoptera. Part I. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 51: 363–370.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 1960: The Results of the Zoological Collecting Trip to Egypt in 1957, of the Natural History Museum, Budapest. 8. Egyptian Microlepidoptera I I. Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici 52: 411–421. full article (pdf). Reference page.
- Gozmány, L.A. 1960a: Records on Microlepidoptera. Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici 52: 423–428. full article (pdf). Reference page.
- Gozmány, L.A. 1960b. New and rare Tineids from the Palaearctic Region and one from Ethiopia (Lepidopt.). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 6: 103–115. Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 1961: A new Microlepidopteron from Montenegro. Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici 53: 495–495. full article (pdf). Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 1964: Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei 8. A new symmocid genus and species from Mongolia (Lepidoptera). Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici 56: 461–463. full article (pdf). Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 1965: Tineid moths collected by Dr. Szunyoghy in Tanganyika in 1960 (Lepidoptera). Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici 57: 413–421. full article (pdf). Reference page.
- Gozmány, L.A. 1965a: Four New Tineid Genera from Central Africa. Lambillionea 64(1-4): 2–8. Reference page.
- Gozmány, L.A. 1965b. Some collections of Tineid moths from Africa (Microlepidoptera). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 11: 253–294. Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 1967. The Tineid moths of the Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium (Lepidoptera: Tineidae). Annales du Musée du Congo belge, Zoologie [3, Arthropodes] section 2, Catalogues raisonnés 157: 1–100. Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 1968: Some Tineid moths of the Ethiopian Region in the collections of the British Museum (Nat. Hist.). II. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 14: 301–334. Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 1969. The scientific results of Hungarian zoological expeditions to Tanganyika. No. 13. Tineid moths (Lepidoptera) collected by Dr. J. Szunyoghy in the Mt. Meru area in 1965/66. Annales historico-naturales Musei nationalis hungarici 61: 279–294. Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. & Vári, L. 1973. Hapsiferinae Zagulyaev. Transvaal Museum Memoirs 18: 154–191. [1]. Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 1978. Lecithoceridae. In: Amsel HG, Reisser H, Gregor F (Eds) Microlepidoptera Palaearctica. Georg Fromme & Co., Wien, 5: 1-306. Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 2001. Symmoca deprinsi sp. nov. and Amselina olympi from Asia Minor (Lepidoptera: Symmocidae). Phegea 29(4): 121–124. full article (PDF). Reference page.
[edit]- Gozmány, L.A. 2004. Tineidae (Lepidoptera, Tineoidea) The Lepidoptera of the Brandberg Massif in Namibia. Esperiana Memoir 1: 51–64. Reference page.