David Don
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David Don (1799−1841), Scottish botanist.
IPNI standard form: D.Don
Taxon names authored
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- Don, D. 1823. Descriptions of nine new species of the genus Carex, natives of the Himalaya alps in upper Nepal. Philosophical Magazine and Journal. London 62: 455–456. BHL / 1824. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 14(2): 325–333. BHL Reference page.
- Don, D. 1823. Scabiosa webbiana. Mr. Webb's Scabious. Botanical Register 9: t. 717, 2 pp. text. BHL Reference page.
- Don, D. 1823. An illustration of the natural family of plants called Melastomaceae. Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society 4: 276–329. BHL Reference page.
- Lambert, A.B. (with contributions by Don, D. & Bauer, F.L.) 1824. Description of the genus Pinus: illustrated with figures, directions relative to the cultivation, and remarks on the uses of the several species: also descriptions of many other trees of the family of Coniferæ ... to which is added an appendix containing descriptions and figures of some other remarkable plants, and an account of the Lambertian herbarium. [Volume Two]. vi + 42 pp, 17 tab. London: J. White. BHL Reference page.
- Don, D. 1825. Prodromus Florae Nepalensis, sive enumeratio vegetabilium, quae in itinere per Nepaliam proprie dictam et regiones conterminas, ann. 1802–1803. Detexit atque legit D. D. Franciscus Hamilton, (olim Buchanan) M.D. ... Accedunt plantae a D. Wallich nuperius missae. Secundum methodi naturalis normam disposuit atque descripsit David Don, ... XII+256 pp. J. Gale, Londini [London]. BHL Reference page.
- Don, D. 1827. Description of a New Genus belonging to the natural family of plants called Scrophularinæ. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 15(2): 349–354. BHL Reference page.
- Don, D. 1829. Observations on the characters and affinities of Darwinia, Brunsfelsia, Browallia, Argylia, Eccremocarpus, and of a plant improperly referred to the latter genus. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 7: 83–89. BHL Reference page.
- Don, D. 1830. Descriptions of new Genera and Species of the class Compositae belonging to the Floras of Peru, Mexico, and Chile. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 16(2): 169–304. BHL Reference page.
- Don, D. 1830. A monograph of the family of plants called Cunoniaceae. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 9: 84–96. BHL Reference page.
- Don, D. 1832. On the characters and affinities of certain genera, chiefly belonging to the Flora Peruviana. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 13: 233–244. BHL Reference page.
- Don, D. 1834. An attempt at a new arrangement of the Ericaceae. Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal 17: 150–160. BHL Reference page.
- Don, D. 1838. Two new genera of the natural family of plants called Coniferae. Annals of Natural History 1(3): 233–235. BHL. Reference page.
- Don, D. 1839. A monograph of Streptopus, with the description of a new genus now first separated from it. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 1: 47–48. BHL Reference page.