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Taxonavigation: Gobioidei 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Superphylum: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Infraphylum: Gnathostomata
Megaclassis: Osteichthyes
Superclassis/Classis: Actinopterygii
Classis/Subclassis: Actinopteri
Subclassis/Infraclassis: Neopterygii
Infraclassis: Teleostei
Megacohors: Osteoglossocephalai
Supercohors: Clupeocephala
Cohors: Euteleosteomorpha
Subcohors: Neoteleostei
Infracohors: Eurypterygia
Sectio: Ctenosquamata
Subsectio: Acanthomorphata
Divisio/Superordo: Acanthopterygii
Subdivisio: Percomorphaceae
Series: Gobiaria
Ordo: Gobiiformes
Subordo: Gobioidei

Familia: Gobiidae
Subfamilia: Gobiinae
Genus: Coryphopterus
Species: C. alloides – C. bol – C. curasub – C. dicrus – C. eidolon – C. glaucofraenum – C. gracilis – C. humeralis – C. hyalinus – C. kuna – C. lipernes – C. personatus – C. punctipectophorus – C. thrix – C. tortugae – C. urospilus – C. venezuelae



Coryphopterus Gill, 1863: 262

Type species: Coryphopterus glaucofraenum ♂ Gill 1863. Type by original designation (also monotypic). [Misspelled Coryphogobius by Gill 1863: 263 (footnote).]


  • Gill, T.N. 1863: Descriptions of the gobioid genera of the western coast of temperate North America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 15: 262–267.
  • Baldwin, C.C. , L.A. Weigt, D.G. Smith & J.H. Mounts 2009: Reconciling genetic lineages with species in western Atlantic Coryphopterus (Teleostei: Gobiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to the Marine Sciences, 38: 113–140.
  • Baldwin, C.C. & Robertson, D.R. 2015. A new, mesophotic Coryphopterus goby (Teleostei, Gobiidae) from the southern Caribbean, with comments on relationships and depth distributions within the genus. Zookeys 513: 123–142. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.513.9998 Reference page
  • Böhlke, J.E. & Robins, C.R. 1960. A revision of the gobioid fish genus Coryphopterus. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 112: 103–128. JSTOR Reference page
  • Randall, J.E., 2001: Five new Indo-Pacific Gobiid fishes of the genus Coryphopterus. Zoological Studies 40 (3): 206–225. Full article: [1].

Vernacular names

English: Gobies