
От Wikispecies
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Human coronavirus NL63
Wuhan coronavirus
Severe acute respiratory syndrome related coronavirus 2



Classification System: ICTV (2022 Release, MSL #38)

(Unranked): Virus
Group IV: ssRNA(+)
Ordo: Nidovirales

Classification System: ICTV (2022 Release, MSL #38)

(Unranked): Virus
Realm: Riboviria
Regnum: Orthornavirae
Phylum: Pisuviricota
Class: Pisoniviricetes
Ordo: Nidovirales
Familia: Coronaviridae
Subfamiliae: Orthocoronavirinae – Letovirinae



  • Gonzalez, J.M., Gomez-Puertas, P., Cavanagh, D., Gorbalenya, A.E. & L. Enjuanes 2003. A comparative sequence analysis to revise the current taxonomy of the family Coronaviridae. Arch. Virol.. 148: 2207–2235.
  • Ismail, M.M., Tang, Y. & Saif, Y.M. 2003. Pathogenicity of turkey coronavirus in turkeys and chickens. Avian Diseases 47: 515–522.
  • Siddell, S.G. (ed.) 1995. The Coronaviridae. Series: The Viruses, (H. Fraenkel-Conrat and R.R. Wagner, eds), Plenum Press, New York.

Местни имена

English: Infectious Bronchitis Virus & relatives
suomi: Koronavirukset
русский: Коронавирус
中文(简体): 冠状病毒科