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Chelydra serpentina


Класификация: Cryptodira 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Cladus: Unikonta
Cladus: Opisthokonta
Cladus: Holozoa
Regnum: Animalia
Subregnum: Eumetazoa
Cladus: Bilateria
Cladus: Nephrozoa
Superphylum: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Infraphylum: Gnathostomata
Megaclassis: Osteichthyes
Cladus: Sarcopterygii
Cladus: Rhipidistia
Cladus: Tetrapodomorpha
Cladus: Eotetrapodiformes
Cladus: Elpistostegalia
Superclassis: Tetrapoda
Cladus: Reptiliomorpha
Cladus: Amniota
Classis: Reptilia
Cladus: Eureptilia
Cladus: Romeriida
Subclassis: Diapsida
Cladus: Sauria
Cladus: Archelosauria
Division: Pan-Testudines
Division: Testudinata
Ordo: Testudines
Subordo: Cryptodira

Superfamilia: Chelydroidea
Familia: Chelydridae
Genera (2): Chelydra – Chelydropsis –Macrochelys

Chelydridae Gray}}, 1831

Type genus: Chelydra Schweigger 1812


  • Gray, J.E. 1831. A synopsis of the species of Class Reptilia. In: Griffith, E & Pidgeon, E.. The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organisation by the Baron Cuvier with additional descriptions of all the species hither named, and of many before noticed. Volume the ninth. The class Reptilia arranged by the Baron Cuvier, with specific descriptions. Whittaker, Treacher and Co.: London. 110 pp. (Appendix) BHL Reference page
  • Schweigger, A. F. 1812. Prodromus monographiae Cheloniorum. Königsberger Archiv für Naturwissenschaft und Mathematik 1:271–368, 406–462. download Google books
  • Chandler, C.H.; Janzen, F.J. 2009: The phylogenetic position of the snapping turtles (Chelydridae) based on nucleotide sequence data. Copeia, 2009(2): 209–213. DOI: 10.1643/CH-07-206 Reference page
  • Folt, B. & Guyer, C. 2015: Evaluating recent taxonomic changes for alligator snapping turtles (Testudines: Chelydridae). Zootaxa 3947(3): 447–450. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3947.3.11. Preview (PDF) Reference page

Местни имена

Deutsch: Alligatorschildkröten
English: Snapping Turtles
日本語: カミツキガメ科
Nederlands: Bijtschildpadden
slovenčina: Kajmankovité
ไทย: เต่าสแนปปิ้ง
Türkçe: Kapan kaplumbağagiller