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Chamaenerion fleischeri


Таксонавигация: Myrtales 
Classification System: APG IV

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Eudicots
Cladus: Core eudicots
Cladus: Rosids
Cladus: Eurosids II
Ordo: Myrtales

Familia: Onagraceae
Subfamilia: Onagroideae
Tribus: Epilobieae
Genus: Chamaenerion
Sectiones: C. sect. Chamaenerion – C. sect. Rosmarinifolia
Species: C. angustifolium – C. colchicum – C. conspersum – C. dodonaei – C. fleischeri – C. latifolium – C. speciosum – C. stevenii
Nothospecies: C. × prantlii 



Chamaenerion Ség., Pl. Veron. 3: 168 (1754), nom. superfl. or nom. illeg. as not including present type species according to Holub 1972, but accepted as legitimate and validly published by Sennikov (2011) under ICN 11.3.

  • Типовой вид: E. amenum Raf. = Chamaenerion angustifolium (L.) Scop., Fl. Carniol., ed. 2. 1: 271. (1771)


  • Гомотипный
    • Chamerion Raf., Herb. Raf. 51 (1833), nom. nud.
    • Epilobium subg. Chamerion Raf., Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 2: 266 (1818), nom. inval.
    • Chamerion (Raf.) Raf. ex Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 7(1): 85. (1972).
  • Гетеротипический
    • Chamaenerion Hill, Suppl. Chamber's Cyclop. (Scott) (1753), nom. inval., opus utiq. oppr.
    • Chamaenerion (Gesn.) Ludw. (1760), vide J.A. Nieuwland (American Midland Naturalist 1(1): 18 (Apr. 1909).
    • Chamaenerion Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 559 (1821), nom. illeg. non Ség. (1754).
    • Chamaenerium Spach, Hist. Nat. Vég. 4: 396 (1835).
    • Pyrogennema Lunell, Amer. Midl. Naturalist 4: 482 (1916).

Note: Very often found as a synonym of Epilobium s.l. see Govaerts et al. (2023). As yet, there is no definitive evidence for favouring one taxonomic opinion over another.



The correct name for this genus has been solved satisfactorily according to most authorities. Chamaenerion Ség. (1754) does lack a generic description or diagnosis, however, the genus name was validly published by indirect reference to the generic description in Séguier (Pl. Veron. 1: 401. 1745), therefore, it has precedence (Sennikov, 2011). Incidentally, Chamaenerion Ség. (1754), when segregated from Epilobium L. (1753), is used by almost all authorities except for the Flora of China.



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Wikimedia Commons См. также медиафайлы в категории Chamerion на Викискладе.