(Redirected from Category:SMCRO)
List of species group taxa whose type specimens are housed in Sphingidae Museum, Orlov 79, 26101, Příbram, Czech Republic.
Pages in category "SMCR"
The following 100 pages are in this category, out of 100 total.
- Pentateucha ida
- Polyptychoides afarrisaque
- Polyptychoides cadioui
- Polyptychoides chibinda
- Polyptychoides furcillatus
- Polyptychoides geita
- Polyptychoides insulanus
- Polyptychoides obtusus
- Polyptychoides ruaha
- Polyptychoides septentrionalis
- Polyptychus distensus
- Polyptychus erosus mbarikensis
- Polyptychus fractus
- Polyptychus herbuloti
- Polyptychus melichari
- Polyptychus potiendus
- Praedora marshalli trevisanae
- Praedora melichari
- Praedora plagiata bilineata
- Praedora plagiata iringensis
- Praedora plagiata kitonga
- Praedora tropicalis dolnyi
- Protaleuron maxi
- Pseudoclanis molitor transversa
- Psilogramma bacanensis
- Psilogramma manjunatha
- Temnora arida
- Temnora kaguru
- Temnora masungai
- Temnora occidentalis
- Temnora orientalis
- Temnora probata
- Temnora procopci
- Temnora procopci similis
- Temnora pseudopylas fuscolimbata
- Temnora pylades morotoensis
- Temnora robusta
- Temnora rotundus
- Temnora rungwe
- Temnora scitula pindurensis
- Temnora scitula stanislavi
- Temnora uluguru
- Theretra lomblenica
- Theretra mothironi
- Theretra pantarica
- Theretra rezaci
- Theretra sumbaensis
- Theretra tomasi