Arthur Gardiner Butler

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Arthur Gardiner Butler

Arthur Gardiner Butler (1844–1925), British entomologist, arachnologist, ornithologist.
Father of Montagu Russell Butler.

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  • Butler, 1868. A Monograph of the Genus Lemonias, with Descriptions of New Species in the Collection of the British Museum, including other forms sometimes placed in that Genus. Journal of the Linnaean Society of London 1868: 213-229, pls 6,7. BHL text, plates. Reference page
  • Butler, A.G. 1868. A list of the diurnal lepidoptera collected by Mr. Whitely in Hakodadi (North Japan). J. Linnean Soc. 9: 50–59. BHL. Reference page
  • Butler, A.G., 1887. LEPIDOPTERA. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, VII, Wiley. Reference page
  • Butler, A.G., 1887. Descriptions of new species of Heterocerous Lepidoptera (Pyralites) from the Solomon Islands. Journal of Natural History XI, Taylor & Francis. Reference page
  • Butler, A.G., 1887. Description of a new butterfly allied to Vanessa antiopa. Journal of Natural History XII. Taylor & Francis. Online Reference page
  • Butler, A.G., 1887. Description of a new genus of Chalcosiid moths allied to Pedoptila. Journal of Natural History, XIX Taylor & Francis. Reference page
  • Butler, A.G., 1887. Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera from the Solomon Islands, collected by CM Woodford, Esq. Journal of Natural History, XXVIII. Taylor & Francis. Reference page
  • Butler, A.G., 1887. Descriptions of new species of bombycid Lepidoptera from the Solomon islands. Journal of Natural History XXIX Taylor & Francis. Reference page
  • Butler, A.G., 1887. Descriptions of two new species of Hyponomeutidæ from the Solomon Islands. Journal of Natural History, LIX. Taylor & Francis. Reference page
  • Butler, A.G., 1887. Descriptions of new species of moths (Noctuites) from the Solomon Islands. Journal of Natural History, LV. Taylor & Francis. Reference page
  • Butler, A. G. 1889. Illustrations of typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Collection of the British Museum. London, Part 7: 1–124. BHL Reference page
  • Butler, A.G. 1893. On two Collections of Lepidoptera sent by H. H. Johnston, Esq. CB, from British Central Africa. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1893: 643–684, pl.60. BHL, plate. Reference page
  • Butler, A. G., 1896. On a collection of butterflies obtained by Mr. Richard Crawshay in Nyasa-land between the months of January and April 1895. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6)17: 108–136, pl. 6. BHL text, plate. Reference page
  • Butler, 1896. On the Butterflies obtained in Arabia and Somaliland by Capt. Chas. G. Nurse and Col. J. W. Terbury in 1894 and 1895. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1896:242-257, Pl.10. BHL text, plate. Reference page
  • Butler, A.G., 1896. Descriptions of some new lepidoptera from Nyasaland. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6)18: 159–163. BHL. Reference page
  • Butler, A. G., 1896. On two Collections of Lepidoptera made by Mr. R. Crawshay in Nyasaland. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1896: 817-850, pls 41,42. Reference page
  • Butler, A.G. [1897]. On two collections of Lepidoptera made by Mr. Richard Crawshay in Nyasa-Land. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1896(4): 817–850, pls 41,42. BHL, plates. Reference page
  • Butler, A. G., 1899. Descriptions of new species of the genus Lycaenesthes. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (7) 4:341-344. BHL Reference page
  • Butler, A. G., 1899. On two small collections of butterflies made by Mr. Richard Crawshay during 1898 in British East Africa. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1899: 417–427, BHL. Reference page
  • Butler, A. G., 1899. On a collection of butterflies made by Mr. Richard Crawshay in British East Africa. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1899: 962–975, pl. 70. BHL. plate. Reference page
  • Butler, A. G., 1902. On two collections of lepidoptera made by Sir Harry Johnston, K.C.B., in the Uganda Protectorate during the year 1900. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1902: 44–51. BHL. Reference page
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