Asa Gray
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Asa Gray (1810–1888), U.S. botanist.
IPNI standard form: A.Gray
Taxon names authored
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[edit]- Torrey, J. & Gray, A. 1838–1840. A Flora of North America containing abridged Descriptions of all the known indigenous and naturalized Plants growing North of Mexico; arranged according to the Natural System, Vol. 1. 740 pp. Wiley & Putnam, New-York. BHL Reference page.
- Torrey, J. & Gray, A. 1841–1843. A Flora of North America containing abridged Descriptions of all the known indigenous and naturalized Plants growing North of Mexico; arranged according to the Natural System, Vol. 2. 527 pp. Wiley & Putnam, New York. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1842. Notes of a botanical excursion to the mountains of North Carolina, & c. with some remarks on the botany of the higher Alleghany Mountains. American Journal of Science and Arts 42(1): 1–49. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1848. A Manual of the botany of the Northern United States: from New England to Wisconsin and south to Ohio and Pennsylvania inclusive, (the mosses and liverworts by Wm. S. Sullivant,) arranged according to the natural system. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1848. Genera Florae Americae Boreali-Orientalis Illustrata. Vol. 1. 230 pp., 100 pl., James Munroe & Co., Boston BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1848. Melanthacearum Americæ Septentrionalis Revisio. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York 4: 105–140. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1849. Genera Florae Americae Boreali-Orientalis Illustrata. Vol. 2 229 pp. New York, London. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1849. Plantae Fendlerianae Novi-Mexicanae: an account of a collection of plants made chiefly in the vicinity of Santa Fé, New Mexico, by Augustus Fendler; with Descriptions of the New Species, Critical Remarks and Characters of other undescribed or little known Plants from surrounding Regions. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Science, new series 4(1): 1–116. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Gray, A. 1850. Plantae Lindheimerianae, Part II. An account of a collection of plants made by F. Lindheimer in the western parts of Texas, in the years 1845-6 and 1847-8, with critical remarks, descriptions of new species, etc. Boston Journal of Natural History 6: 141–240. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A 1852. Plantæ Wrightianæ Texano–Neo-Mexicanaæ. Part I. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge 3(5): 1–146. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1853. Characters of some new genera of plants, mostly from Polynesia, in the collection of the United States Exploring Expedition, under Captain Wilkes. 8 pp. Preprint from Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 3: 48–54. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1854. United States Exploring Expedition, Vol. XV: Botany, Phanerogamia, Part I. 777 pp. C.Sherman, Philadelphia. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1854. Plantae Novae Thurberianae: the characters of some new genera and species of plants in a collection made by George Thurber, of the late Mexican Bounday Commission, chiefly in New Mexico and Sonora 328 pp. .Cambridge, Mass.. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1855. Plantæ Novæ Thurberianæ: The characters of some new genera and species of plants in a collection made by George Thurber, Esq., of the late Mexican Boundary Commission, chiefly in New Mexico and Sonora. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Science, new series Vol 5, part 2: 297–328. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1856. A Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States. Second Edition. New York: George P. Putnam & Co. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1858. Diagnostic Characters of New Species of Phænogamous Plants, collected in Japan by Charles Wright, Botanist of U. S. North Pacific Exploring Expedition. (Published by Request of Captain John Rodgers, Commander of the Expedition.) With Observations upon the Relations of the Japanese Flora to that of North America, and of other Parts of the Northern Temperate Zone. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Science, new series 6(2): 377–452. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Gray, A. 1861. Enumeration of a collection of dried plants made by L. J. Xantus, at cape San Lucas & c. in Lower California, between August, 1859, and February, 1860, and communicated to the Smithsonian Institution. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 5: 153–173. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1861. Notes upon a Portion of Dr. Seemann's recent Collection of Dried Plants gathered in the Feejee Islands. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 5: 314–321. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1862. Plantae Vitienses Seemannianae: Remarks on the Plants collected in the Vitian or Fijian Islands by Dr. Berthold Seemann. Bonplandia 10: 34–37. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. Brewer, W.H. & Anderson, C.L. 1865. Botanical contributions 1865.
- Gray, A. 1867. A Manual of the Botany of the Northern United States including the district east of the Mississippi and north of North Carolina and Tennessee, arranged according to the natural system. 5th edition. New York: Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman. 701 pp. DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.56618 Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1868. Characters of new plants from California and elsewhere, principally of those collected by H. N. Bolander in the State Geological Survey. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 7: 327–401. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Gray, A. 1870. Revision of the North American Polemoniaceae. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 8: 247–282. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1871. A new species of Erythronium. American Naturalist 5(5): 298–300. JSTOR BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1872. Botanical Contributions. (February 13, 1872). Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 8: 365–412. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1876. Miscellaneous botanical contributions. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 11: 71–104. BHL Reference page.
- Brewer, W.H., Watson, S. & Gray, A. 1876. Geological Survey of California, Botany, Vol. 1. 628 pps. John Wilson and son, Cambridge (Mass.) BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1878. Synoptical Flora of North America. Vol. II. Part I. Gamopetalae after Compositae. 402 pp. American Book Company, New York. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Gray, A. 1880. Botanical Contributions. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 15: 25–52. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1882. Contributions to North American botany. 1. Studies of Aster and Solidago in the older herbaria. [2. Novitiae Arizonicae, etc.: characters of the new plants of certain recent collections, mainly in Arizona and adjacent districts. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 17: 163–230. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1884. Synoptical Flora of North America. Vol. I. Part II. Caprifoliaceae – Compositae. 474 pp. American Book Company, New York. BHL Reference page.
- Gray, A. 1886. Synoptical Flora of North America: the Gamopetalae, being a second edition of vol. I, part II, and vol. II, part I, collected. New York: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor, and Co. BHL Reference page.
[edit]- Gray, A.†, Robinson, B.L. (ed.) 1895–1897. Synoptical Flora of North America. Vol. I. Part I. Polypetalae from the Ranunculaceae to the Polygalaceae (Thalamiflorae et Disciflorae). 506 pp. American Book Company, New York. BHL Reference page.