Search results
Create the page "Thermacarus nevadensis" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- Familia: Thermacaridae Genera (1): Thermacarus Species (4): andinus Martin & Schwörbel, 2002 - minuta Mitchell, 1963 - nevadensis Marshall, 1928 - thermobius...2 KB (279 words) - 05:44, 17 January 2020
- & Sheffield, C. 2016. First Canadian record of the water mite Thermacarus nevadensis Marshall, 1928 (Arachnida: Acariformes: Hydrachnidiae: Thermacaridae)...340 bytes (69 words) - 21:29, 31 March 2021
- & Sheffield, C. 2016. First Canadian record of the water mite Thermacarus nevadensis Marshall, 1928 (Arachnida: Acariformes: Hydrachnidiae: Thermacaridae)...623 bytes (447 words) - 20:49, 1 June 2023