Sizhong Li
Sizhong Li (1921–2009), Chinese ichthyologist. Also published as Sze-Chung Li.
- Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
所命名的分类 (zh-hans)
Selected publications
[编辑]- Li, S.-Z. 1981. Studies on zoogeographical divisions for fresh water fishes of China. Science Press, Beijing. (Chinese)
- Li, S.-Z. & Fang, F. 1990. On the geographical distribution of the four kinds of pond-cultured carps in China. Acta Zoologica Sinica v. 36, no. 3, p. 244–250.
- Li, S.-Z. & Wang, H.-M. 1995. Fauna Sinica, Osteichthyes: Pleuronectiformes. Science Press, Beijing. ISBN 978-7-030-04147-0
- Li, S.-Z. & Zhang, C.-G. 2011. Fauna Sinica, Osteichthyes: Atheriniformes, Cyprinodontiformes, Beloniformes, Ophidiiformes, Gadiformes. Science Press, Beijing. ISBN 978-7-030-20095-2
- Li, S. 2015. Huang He yu lei zhuan zhu ji yu lei xue wen xuan / Fishes of the Yellow River & Beyond. The Sueichan Press, Keelung. (Chinese), xxviii, 640 pages : illustrations, maps. ISBN 9789578596771 and ISBN 9578596774. 参考页面.
- Books translated into Chinese:
- Nelson's Fishes of the World (2nd edition, ISBN 978-9-578-59603-0) Google Books: 世界鱼类
- Schmidt's Fish Migration (1947) Google Books: 鱼类的洄游
- 李思忠 (1951年), "河北省渤海沿岸的魚類採集工作", Chinese Science Bulletin (in Chinese) (09), doi:10.1360/CSB1951-0-9-982, ISSN 0023-074X, Wikidata Q66723249
- Li Sizhong (1954年), "我国东北的八目鳗", Bulletin of Biology (in Chinese), ISSN 0006-3193, Wikidata Q114797916
- Li Sizhong (1965年), "黄河鱼类区系的探讨", ISSN 0250-3263 (in Chinese) (5): 217–222, ISSN 0250-3263, Wikidata Q106577699
- 李思忠 (1966年), "陕西太白山细鳞鲑的一新亚种", ISSN 1000-0739 (in Chinese) (01): 92–94, ISSN 1000-0739, S2CID 131421973, Wikidata Q98828486
- 李思忠 (1966年), "中国䲗科鱼类新种及新纪录" (PDF), ISSN 1000-0739 (in Chinese) (02), ISSN 1000-0739, Wikidata Q98828498
- Li Sizhong; 张世义 (1974年), "甘肃省河西走廊鱼类新种及新亚种" (PDF), ISSN 0001-7302, 20 (4): 414–419, ISSN 0001-7302, S2CID 88066988, Wikidata Q115456469
- Li Sizhong (1981年), "On the origin, phylogeny and geographical distribution of the flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes)", Transactions of the Chinese Ichthyological Society, 1, Wikidata Q120372612
- 李思忠 (1984年), "中国鲑科鱼类地理分布的探讨", ISSN 0250-3263 (in Chinese) (01), doi:10.13859/J.CJZ.1984.01.015, ISSN 0250-3263, Wikidata Q99924239
- 李思忠 (1987年), "中国鲟形目鱼类地理分布的研究", ISSN 0250-3263 (in Chinese) (04), doi:10.13859/J.CJZ.1987.04.015, ISSN 0250-3263, S2CID 132940883, Wikidata Q99925138
- 李思忠 (1988年), "香鱼的名称、习性、分布及渔业前景", ISSN 0250-3263 (in Chinese) (06), doi:10.13859/J.CJZ.1988.06.002, ISSN 0250-3263, Wikidata Q99925494
- 李思忠 (1988年), "我国东部山溪养虹鲑大有前途", ISSN 0250-3263 (in Chinese) (04), doi:10.13859/J.CJZ.1988.04.019, ISSN 0250-3263, Wikidata Q99925436
- 李思忠 (1991年), "鳜亚科鱼类地理分布的研究", ISSN 0250-3263 (in Chinese) (04), doi:10.13859/J.CJZ.1991.04.015, ISSN 0250-3263, Wikidata Q99928516
- 李思忠 (1992年), "关于鲌(Culter alburnus)与红鳍鲌(C.erythropterus)的学名问题", ISSN 1000-0739 (in Chinese) (03): 381–384, ISSN 1000-0739, S2CID 88850316, Wikidata Q98832822
- 李思忠 (1991年), "关于棕斑宽吻魨Amblyrhynchotes hypselogenion rufopunctatus Li (1962)(Pisces:Tetraodontidae)学名有效性的说明", ISSN 1000-0739 (in Chinese) (02): 255–256, ISSN 1000-0739, S2CID 130285695, Wikidata Q98832542
- 李思忠 (2001年), "浅议《中国动物志:硬骨鱼纲.鲤形目》(中卷 )", ISSN 1000-0739 (in Chinese) (01): 115–118, doi:10.3969/J.ISSN.1000-0739.2001.01.022, ISSN 1000-0739, S2CID 179671627, Wikidata Q98836455
- 李思忠 (2001年), "ON THE POSITION OF THE SUBORDER ADRIANICHTHYOIDEI", ISSN 1000-0739, 26 (04): 583–588, doi:10.3969/J.ISSN.1000-0739.2001.04.032, ISSN 1000-0739, Wikidata Q98836551
- 李思忠 (2004年), "蒙古国鱼类地理分布简介", ISSN 0250-3263 (in Chinese) (01), doi:10.13859/J.CJZ.2004.01.015, ISSN 0250-3263, Wikidata Q99930954
[编辑]- ZooBank LSID: 3D9B9AF7-709F-4B31-A852-00B896DF7EE9 (under Li, S.-Z. )
- ZooBank LSID: 6018D88E-EDC5-4E21-87E0-4F4355F8217D (under Li, S.-C., or Li, Sze-Chung)
- List of journal publications with abstracts (in Chinese):
- Authored books
- Specimen Collector's Information at IZAS (中国动物标本采集人:李思忠)
- Expert database of Chinese zoologists ( 李思忠
- Encyclopedia of China author search
- About Sizhong Li (李思忠, 鱼类学家)
- Scholia: Li Sizhong (Q6539107)
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