Henry Fairfield Osborn

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Henry Fairfield Osborn

Henry Fairfield Osborn (August 8, 1857 – November 6, 1935), U.S. geologist and paleontologist.

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  • Scott, W.B. & Osborn, H.F. 1883. On the Skull of the Eocene Rhinoceros, Orthocynodon, and the Relation of this Genus to other Members of the Group. Contributions from the E.M. Museum of Geology and Archaeology of Princeton College. Bulletin 3: 3–22. Online Reference page
  • Osborn 1899. On Pliohyrax kruppii Osborn, a fossil hyracoid, from Samos, Lower Pliocene, in the Stuttgart Collection. A new type, and the first known Tertiary Hyracoid. In Proceedings of the fourth International Congress of Zoology, Cambridge, 22–27 August, 1898 172–173. BHL Reference page
  • Osborn, H.F. 1936. Proboscidea: a monograph of the discovery, evolution, migration and extinction of the mastodonts and elephants of the world. Vol. I: Moeritherioidea, Deinotherioidea, Mastodontoidea. The American Museum Press: New York. DOI: 10.5962/bhl.title.12097 BHL Reference page

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