Frederick Wallace Edwards

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Frederick Wallace Edwards

Frederick Wallace Edwards (November 28, 1888 – November 15, 1940), British entomologist.

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(Список может быть неполным)

  • Edwards, F.W. 1920. On the British species of Simulium.—II. The early stages; with corrections and additions to part I. Bulletin of Entomological Research.
  • Edwards, F.W. 1920. The nomenclature of the parts of the male hypopygium of Diptera nematocera, with special reference to mosquitoes. Annals of Tropical Medicine & Parasitology. Taylor & Francis.
  • Edwards, F.W. 1920. Notes on the mosquitos of Madagascar, Mauritius and Réunion. Bulletin of Entomological Research.
  • Edwards, F.W. 1920. Some records of predaceous Ceratopogonidae (Diptera). Entomol. Mon. Mag.
  • Edwards, F.W. 1920. Mosquito notes. Bulletin of Entomological Research.
  • Edwards, F.W. 1920. Scent organs in female midges of the Palpomyia group. Annu. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser.
  • Edwards, F.W. 1920. The British Chaoborinae and Dixinae (Diptera, Culicidae). Ent. mon. Mag.
  • Edwards, F.W. 1921. A revision of the mosquitos of the Palaearctic region. Bulletin of Entomological Research.
  • Edwards, F.W. 1921. IV. British Limnobiidae: Some Records and Corrections.: PLATES I, II. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society … Wiley Online Library.
  • Edwards, F.W. 1930. Bombyliidae, Nemestrinidae and Cyrtidae. Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile, Part V (Fascicle 2): 162–197.




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