Edward Newman

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Edward Newman

Edward Newman (1801–1876), English botanist and entomologist.

IPNI standard form: Newman

Автор названий таксонов

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  • Newman, E. 1832. Monographia Aegeriarum Angliae. The Entomological Magazine 1: 66–84.
  • Newman, E. 1844. Description de Callidium rubeocolle, a new Cerambycideous Beetle. Zoologist 2: 477.
  • Newman, E. 1844. Description of Hermerius impar, a new Prionideous Beetle. Zoologist 2: 415.
  • Newman, E. 1844. Description of Toxotus rugipennis a new Lepturideous Beetle. Zoologist 2: 476.
  • Newman, E. 1844. The Zoologist, a popular miscellany of Natural History Van Voorst, London 2: 385–800
  • Newman, E. 1844. A History of British Ferns and allied plants. 2nd ed., London, J. Van Voorst. BHL Reference page
  • Newman, E. 1847. Description of a few Australian Cerambycideous Beetles, four new species are described. Zoologist 5: 1677.
  • Newman, E. 1850. Description of certain Longicorn Coleoptera from New Holland. Zoologist: a popular miscellany of Natural History 8(11): cxi-cxviii. BHL Reference page
  • Newman, E. 1850. Art XIII. – Descriptions of Three Coleopterous Insects from New Zealand. Zoologist 8: cxix-cxx.
  • Newman, E. 1851. A few words on the synonymy of Distichocera, a genus of Longicorn Coleoptera from New Holland, with characters of three species undescribed. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 19: 75–81, 1 pl.
  • Newman, E. 1851. Characters of a second species of Pseudocephalus, a Longicorn Insect from New Holland. Zoologist 9 (Appendix) : 137–138.
  • Newman, E. 1851. Characters of two apparently undescribed species of Longicorn Coleoptera. Zoologist 9 (Appendix): 179–180.
  • Newman, E. 1851. Descriptions of new Insects from New Holland: nine new species are described. Zoologist 9 (Appendix): 128–132.
  • Newman, E. 1851. Some remarks on the synonymy of Distichocera, a genus of Australian Longicornia Coleoptera together with characters of two species supposed to be previously undescribed. Zoologist 9: 3091–3092.

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