
Таксономски преглед
[уреди]Classification System: APG IV
Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Plantae
Cladus: Angiosperms
Cladus: Monocots
Cladus: Commelinids
Ordo: Zingiberales
Familiae: Cannaceae – Costaceae – Heliconiaceae – Lowiaceae – Marantaceae – Musaceae – Strelitziaceae – Zingiberaceae
[уреди]- Zingiberales Griseb. Grundr. Syst. Bot. 167. (1854)
- Typus: Zingiber Mill. Gard. Dict. Abr. (ed. 4) vol. 3. (1754)
[уреди]- Amomales Lindl. (1835)
- Cannales Dumort. (1829)
- Lowiales Takht. ex Reveal & Doweld, Novon 9: 551. (1999)
- Musales Reveal (1997)
[уреди]- Grisebach, A.H.R. 1854. Grundriss der Systematischen Botanik 167.
- Kress, W.J. 1990. The phylogeny and classification of the Zingiberales. Annals of the Missouri Botanic Garden 77: 698–721.
- Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 1998. An ordinal classification for the families of flowering plants. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 85 (4): 531–553. pdf file
- Reveal, J.L. & Doweld, A.B. 1999. Validation of some suprageneric names in Magnoliophyta. Novon 9(4): 549–553. BHL Reference page.
- Doweld, A.B. 2001. Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum. Tentamen systematis plantarum vascularium (Tracheophyta) [Prosyllabus Tracheophytorum. Опыт системы сосудистых растений]. LXXX + 110 pp. Moscow: Geos. ISBN 5-89118-283-1. Фундаментальная электронная библиотека «Флора и фауна» DJVU Google Books
Reference page.
- Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. 2003. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG II. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 141(4): 399–436. DOI: 10.1046/j.1095-8339.2003.t01-1-00158.x
Reference page.
- Angiosperm Phylogeny Group. 2009. An update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group classification for the orders and families of flowering plants: APG III. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 161(2): 105–121. DOI: 10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.00996.x
Reference page.
- Stevens, P.F. 2001 onwards. Angiosperm Phylogeny Website. Version 14, July 2017 [and more or less continuously updated since]. Online. Reference page.
- Tropicos.org 2013. Zingiberales. Missouri Botanical Garden. Published on the internet. Accessed: 16 Sept. 2013.
- International Plant Names Index. 2013. Zingiberales. Published online. Accessed 16 Sept. 2013. Reference page.
Народни имиња
[уреди]Boarisch: Ingwaroartige
беларуская: Імбіракветныя
català: Zingiberals
Deutsch: Ingwerartige
eesti: Ingverilaadsed
magyar: Gyömbérvirágúak
日本語: ショウガ目
македонски: Ѓумбировидни
ไทย: อันดับขิง
中文: 姜目
беларуская: Імбіракветныя
català: Zingiberals
Deutsch: Ingwerartige
eesti: Ingverilaadsed
magyar: Gyömbérvirágúak
日本語: ショウガ目
македонски: Ѓумбировидни
ไทย: อันดับขิง
中文: 姜目