Wim Crusio
Wim E. Crusio (born 1954, fl. 1979), Dutch botanist and neuroscientist.
IPNI standard form: Crusio
Taxon names authored
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- Crusio, W. 1979. A revision of Anubias Schott (Araceae). (Primitiae Africanae XII). Mededelingen Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 79(14): 1–48. Reference page.
- Crusio W.E. 1982. Het geslacht Samolus L. [in Dutch] Communications of the Dutch Waterplant Society 2: 13–25. Reference page.
- Crusio W.E. 1984. Notes on the genus Samolus L. (Primulaceae). Communications of the Dutch Waterplant Society 6: 13–16. Reference page.