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Wikispecies:Biarkan direktori spesies bebas berkembang!
Pada Agustus 2004, Wikimedia Foundation merilis proyek baru, Wikispecies. Situs web ini dibuat untuk menyediakan forum sumber terbuka untuk informasi taksonomi dan biologis.
Konten Wikispecies
Wikispecies akan melayani komunitas yang sangat tertarik seperti ilmuwan, siswa, atau guru. Ini bertujuan untuk menghubungkan proyek Wikimedia Foundation lainnya, dan tidak boleh menjadi bio-Wikipedia. Ada orang-orang di komunitas wiki yang takut pada percabangan di Wikipedia, perkembangan yang ingin kita hindari. Oleh karena itu, template konten telah dikembangkan, yang harus dijadikan pedoman. Akhirnya, terserah pengguna Wikispecies untuk memutuskan akan menjadi apa.
Template menyediakan struktur dasar yang direkomendasikan untuk halaman:
TAXONAVIGATION: Give the most commonly used clades of the taxonomic tree and allows a convenient navigation through all groups of life. To find templates for taxonavigation, just click "edit" at the top of any taxon page. To use a template, type {{Nameofclade}}
, for example like this: {{Aves}}
for birds, i.e. Aves.
NAMA:Beri nama binomial sesuai dengan nama pengarang asli, misal: Meles meles Linnaeus, 1758.
REFERENCES: Give the publication in which the original description of the species was presented. To find this, try these sites:
VERNACULAR NAMES: Give names of the species in other languages (see Help for instructions). Links to articles on this species in the particular Wikipedias will be added automatically, for example [[en:Badger]]
(links to the English Wikipedia on badgers) and [[de:Dachs]]
(links to the German Wikipedia article on badgers).
OTHER: Try to avoid other information. If you must, add it to the discussion page of the taxon. To preserve understandability for all languages, further information for a particular taxon should be put on the respective Wikipedia.
Wikispecies' milestones
On May 20, 2007 Wikispecies surpassed 100,000 articles. This milestone was recorded at Wikimedia News and submitted to the Wikipedia Signpost's Tip Line. A post was also made on Wikizine's wiki. For more milestones, see Wikispecies:Wikispecies milestones.
In 2015, we integrated with sister project Wikidata to coordinate structured data between other Wikimedia Foundation projects as well as the world's learners.
Masa depan Wikispecies
What will Wikispecies become eventually? As said before, this will widely depend on the users of this resource and on the will to share knowledge. Right now, there is an enormous pool of information online, which can be found on a variety of websites. One of these is, which is something like an official resource. Another very good source is Most other sources are protected by copyrights, often not very user-friendly, or limited to a select group of species.
This is very similar to the situation on general encyclopedias before 2001. Then, Wikipedia was released and became an instant success. Wikipedia has proved that the concept of self-administered information can work excellently. There is no reason to believe that Wikispecies should not become a valuable source of information.
Depending on the user's interests, the contributed content could make Wikispecies the largest archive of open-access pictures on British wildlife; a determination key for all European marine organisms; a teaching tool for middle school teachers; an archive of local vernacular names of herbs; a collection of weblinks to resources on corals; a reference for passionate herpetologists who want to learn about their pets; or simply an unlimited and expandable forum for all those who share a passionate interest in the life forms of this planet.
What Wikispecies becomes is up to you. We provide you with the technology; you add the content you want to see.
Let Wikispecies evolve!