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Vahliella leucophaea

From Wikispecies


Taxonavigation: Peltigerineae 

Superregnum: Eukaryota
Regnum: Fungi
Subregnum: Dikarya
Divisio: Ascomycota
Subdivisio: Pezizomycotina
Classis: Lecanoromycetes
Subclassis: Lecanoromycetidae
Ordo: Peltigerales
Subordo: Peltigerineae

Familia: Vahliellaceae
Genus: Vahliella
Species: Vahliella leucophaea



Vahliella leucophaea (Vahl) P.M. Jørg., 2008

  • Lichen leucophaeus Vahl, Icon. Plant. Dan. 6 (16): 8 (1787)





Primary references

  • P.M. Jørg., Lichenologist 40 (3): 224 (2008)


  • Brodo, I.M.; Sharnoff, S.D. and Sharnoff, S. (2001) Fuscopannaria (pp. 321-324) In, Lichens of North America. Yale University Press, New Haven, 795 pages.   **[RLL List # 184 / Rec.# 22465] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Discussion of Vahliella leucophaea: pp. 321-322; distribution map for North America: p. 321; color photo: p. 322, plate 339 -- as Fuscopannaria leucophaea)
  • Hinds, J.W. and Hinds, P.L. (2007) Fuscopannaria P.M. Jørg., 1994 (pp. 253-258) In, The Macrolichens of New England. - Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden No. 96. New York Botanical Garden Press, Bronx, New York. 584 pp.   **[RLL List # 210 / Rec.# 30032] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Discussion of Vahliella leucophaea: pp. 255-256; color photo: p. 256, fig. 128 -- as Fuscopannaria leucophaea)
  • Jørgensen, P.M. (2000) Survey of the lichen family Pannariaceae on the American continent, north of Mexico. - The Bryologist 103 (4): 670–704.   **[RLL List # 182 / Rec.# 21529] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (JSTOR) (Discussion of Vahliella leucophaea: p. 684; black-and-white photo: p. 680, fig. 23 -- as Fuscopannaria leucophaea)
  • Jørgensen, P.M. (2002) Fuscopannaria (pp. 196-202) In: Nash III, T.H.; Ryan, B.D.; Gries, C. and Bungartz, F. (eds.), Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region, Vol. 1. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 532 pages.   **[RLL List # 187 / Rec.# 23058] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Discussion of Vahliella leucophaea: pp. 199-200; distribution map for the Sonoran region: p. 199 -- as Fuscopannaria leucophaea)
  • Purvis, O.W (1992) Pannaria Delise, 1828 (pp. 418-421) In: Purvis, O.W., Coppins, B.J., Hawksworth, D.L., James, P.W. and Moore, D.M. (eds.) The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. London: Natural History Museum Publication, 710 pp.   **[RLL List # 151 / Rec.# 15105] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Discussion of Vahliella leucophaea: p. 420 -- as Pannaria leucophaea)
  • Thomson, J.W. (2003) Fuscopannaria P.M. Jørg. (pp. 104-105) In, Lichens of Wisconsin. Wisconsin State Herbarium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 386 pages.   **[RLL List # 190 / Rec.# 24161] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Discussion of Vahliella leucophaea: pp. 104-105 -- as Fuscopannaria leucophaea)
  • Wirth, V. (1995) Pannaria Del. (pp. 632-637) - Teil 2 - In, Die Flechten Baden-Württembergs, Teil 1 & 2. Eugen Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart. 1006 pp.; in German.   **[RLL List # 159 / Rec.# 20405] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Discussion of Vahliella leucophaea: p. 635; color photo: p. 634 -- as Pannaria leucophaea)
  • The Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway (Photo Gallery) - Vahliella leucophaea   (as Fuscopannaria leucophaea)

Vernacular names
