Template:Eserman et al., 2024
- Eserman, L.A., Buril, M.T., Chatrou, L.W., Clay, K., Desquilbet, T.E., Ferreira, P.P., Grande Allende, J.R., Huerta‐Ramos, G., Kojima, R.K., Miller, R.E. & More, S. 2024. Towards a collaborative approach to the systematics of Ipomoea: A response to the “Rebuttal to (2786) Proposal to change the conserved type of Ipomoea, nom. cons. (Convolvulaceae)”. Taxon 73(3): 668–672. DOI: 10.1002/tax.13081 ResearchGate (Unpaginated preprint copy that has been reviewed and edited. Published article is behind a Wiley online paywall.)