Tatjana Alexandrovna Ostroumova
(Redirected from Tatjana A. Ostroumova)
Tatjana Alexandrovna Ostroumova (3 September 1949–), Russian (Soviet) botanist.
русский: Татьяна Александровна Остроумова
IPNI standard form: Ostr.
Taxon names authored
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- Pimenov, M.G. & Ostroumova, T.A. 1994. The genus Malabaila Hoffm. (Umbelliferae: Tordylieae): A carpological investigation and taxonomic implications. Feddes Repertorium 105(3–4): 141–155. DOI: 10.1002/fedr.19941050304 Reference page.
- Pimenov, M.G. & Ostroumova, T.A. 2000. Closest relatives of Chinese genus Arcuatopterus (Umbelliferae) in the Indian subcontinent. Feddes Repertorium 111(7–8): 553–558. DOI: 10.1002/fedr.20001110720 Reference page.
- Pimenov, M.G., Kljuykov, E.V. & Ostroumova, T.A. 2001. Towards a clarification in the taxonomy of Sino-Himalayan species of Selinum L. s.l. (Umbelliferae). The genus Oreocome Edgew. Willdenowia 31(1): 101–124. DOI: 10.3372/wi.31.31109 PDF Reference page.
- Pimenov, M.G., Kljuykov, E.V. & Ostroumova, T.A. 2007. Critical taxonomic analysis of Dichoropetalum, Johrenia, Zeravschania and related genera of Umbelliferae-Apioideae-Peucedaneae. Willdenowia 37(2): 465–502. DOI: 10.3372/wi.37.37208
Reference page.