Steven Earl Clemants
Steven Earl Clemants (1954–2008), U.S.American botanist.
IPNI standard form: Clemants
Taxon names authored
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- Luteyn, J.L. (ed.), Clemants, S.E., Diggs, G.M., Dorr, L.J., Judd, W.S., Sørensen, P.D., Stevens, P.F. & Wallace, G.D. 1995. Ericaceae — Part II. The superior-ovaried genera (Monotropoideae, Pyroloideae, Rhododendroideae, and Vaccinioideae p.p.) (Flora Neotropica, Monograph 66.) IV+560 pp. The New York Botanical Garden, New York. ISBN 978-0-89327-473-3 JSTOR Reference page.
- Mosyakin S.L. & Clemants S.E. 1996: New infrageneric taxa and combinations in Chenopodium L. (Chenopodiaceae). Novon 6: 398–403. DOI: 10.2307/3392049 BHL Reference page.
- Mosyakin, S.L. & Clemants, S.E. 2002. New nomenclatural combinations in Dysphania R.Br. (Chenopodiaceae): taxa occurring in North America. Ukrayins'kyi Botanicnyi Zhurnal 59(4): 380–385. Reference page.
- Robertson, K.R. & Clemants, S.E. 2003. 39. Amaranthaceae Jussieu. Pp. 405–456 in Flora of North America, Vol. 4: Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part 1. Oxford University Press, New York, Oxford. ISBN 978-0-19-517389-5. Online Reference page.
- Zhu, G., Mosyakin, S.L. & Clemants, S.E. 2004. Chenopodiaceae. In: Flora of China 5. eFloras 2008.
- Mosyakin, S.L. & Clemants, S.E. 2008. Further Transfers of glandular-pubescent species from Chenopodium subg. Ambrosia to Dysphania (Chenopodiaceae). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(1): 425–431. JSTOR BHL Reference page.