Phaeographis lyellii
[edit]Taxonavigation: Graphidales |
Superregnum: Eukaryota |
Familia: Graphidaceae
Subfamilia: Graphidoideae
Genus: Phaeographis
Species: Phaeographis lyellii
[edit]Phaeographis lyellii (Sm.) Zahlbr., 1905
- Basionym
- Opegrapha lyellii Sm., 1808
[edit]- Chiographa lyellii (Sm.) Leight., Ann. Mag. nat. Hist., Ser. 2 13: 388 (1854)
- Graphis lyellii (Sm.) Ach., Syn. Lich.: 85 (1814)
- Leiophloea lyellii (Sm.) Trevis., Conspectus Verruc.: 9 (1860)
- Leiorreuma lyellii (Sm.) Staiger, Biblthca Lichenol. 85: 301 (2002)
- Opegrapha lyellii Sm., Engl. Bot. 27 : tab. 1876 (1808)
- Platygramma lyellii (Sm.) G. Mey., 1823
[edit]Primary references
[edit]- In Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam., Teil. I (Leipzig) 1 *: 99 (1905)
- Phaeographis lyellii A. Zahlbr. apud Engler-Prantl, Natürl. Pflanzenfamil., I. Teil, Abt. I*, 1905, p. 99.
[edit]- Coppins, B.J. and James, P.W. (1992) Phaeographis Müll. Arg. (1882) (pp. 461-463.) In: Purvis, O.W.; Coppins, B.J.; Hawksworth, D.L.; James, P.W. and Moore, D.M. (eds.) The Lichen Flora of Great Britain and Ireland. London: Natural History Museum Publication, 710 pp. **[RLL List # 151 / Rec.# 15105] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Discussion of Phaeographis lyellii: pp. 462-463)
- Dobson, F.S. (2000) (Fourth edition) Phaeographis (pp. 296-297) In, Lichens: An illustrated guide to the British and Irish species. The Richmond Publishing Co., Ltd., Slough, England, 431 pp. **[RLL List # 184 / Rec.# 22402] - (Recent Literature on Lichens)** (Discussion of Phaeographis lyellii and map: p. 297.)