Pan paniscus
Giao diện

Familia: Hominidae
Subfamilia: Homininae
Tribus: Hominini
Subtribus: Panina
Genus: Pan
Species: Pan paniscus
Pan paniscus Schwarz, 1929
Type locality: 30 km south of Befale, south of the upper Maringa River, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- Pan satyrus paniscus (protonym)
Primary references
- Schwarz, E. 1929. Das Vorkommen des Schimpansen auf den linken Kongo-Ufer [The occurrence of the chimpanzee on the left bank of the Congo]. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 16: 425–426. Reference page.
- Pan paniscus in Mammal Species of the World.
Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn M. (Editors) 2005. Mammal Species of the World – A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. Third edition. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4. - IUCN: Pan paniscus Schwarz, 1929 (Endangered)
Vernacular names
Boarisch: Zwergschimpanz
català: Bonobo
dansk: Bonobo
Deutsch: Zwergschimpanse
Ελληνικά: Μπονόμπο
English: Bonobo
español: Bonobo
suomi: Bonobo
français: Bonobo
עברית: שימפנזה ננסי
हिन्दी: Bhandir
hrvatski: Bonobo
magyar: Bonobó
italiano: Bonobo
日本語: ボノボ
한국어: 보노보
Limburgs: Bonobo
Nederlands: Bonobo
polski: Bonobo
português: Bonobo
română: Cimpanzeu
shqip: Bonobo
svenska: Bonobo
ไทย: โบโนโบ
Türkçe: Bonobo
українська: Карликовий шимпанзе
català: Bonobo
dansk: Bonobo
Deutsch: Zwergschimpanse
Ελληνικά: Μπονόμπο
English: Bonobo
español: Bonobo
suomi: Bonobo
français: Bonobo
עברית: שימפנזה ננסי
हिन्दी: Bhandir
hrvatski: Bonobo
magyar: Bonobó
italiano: Bonobo
日本語: ボノボ
한국어: 보노보
Limburgs: Bonobo
Nederlands: Bonobo
polski: Bonobo
português: Bonobo
română: Cimpanzeu
shqip: Bonobo
svenska: Bonobo
ไทย: โบโนโบ
Türkçe: Bonobo
українська: Карликовий шимпанзе